
Top 5 Best Books like Matched


Cassia has always relied on the Society to decide what to read, watch, and what to believe for her. So when Xander’s face shows up on the screen during her matching ceremony, Cassia is positive that he is her perfect match. ..until a brief flash of Ky Markham’s face appears on the screen just before the image turns black.

Author: Ally Condie

Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Matched  that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!


Cinder is a cyborg and a talented mechanic. She has a murky past, is despised by her stepmother, and is held responsible for her stepsister’s illness. She is a second-class citizen. But when her life starts to entangle with that of the dashing Prince Kai, she finds herself thrust into the middle of an interplanetary conflict and a forbidden attraction. She must learn mysteries from her history in order to safeguard the future of her world because she is torn between loyalty and betrayal, duty and freedom.

Author: Marissa Meyer

(2)The Glittering Court

The Glittering Court gives a chance for a select number of females to live the life of luxury, beauty, and leisure they have only ever imagined. The Glittering Court signifies something different to high-born Adelaide, whose wealthy family is pressuring her into a loveless marriage: the opportunity to shape her own future and adventure in a pristine, prosperous new place across the sea.

Author: Richelle Mead


(3)The Hunger Games

The country of Panem, with a dazzling Capitol and twelve outlying districts, is located in the ruins of a region that was once known as North America. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen views it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister’s place in the Hunger Games because the Capitol forces each district to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live television. However, Katniss has survived close calls with death before, so it comes naturally to her. But if she wants to prevail, she will have to start making decisions that trade off her survival for humanity and her life for love.

Author: Suzanne Collins

(4) Tithe

Senna Rhys has to go through the Tithe when she turns 18, a selection process that selects ten souls for the treaty with the wall and a rite of passage to maturity. The unpaired are picked first; the survival of Ironcross depends on securing the next generation to provide the Tithe.

Author: Claire Vale 



(5) Truthwitch

Every person in a continent ruled by three empires is born with a “witchery,” a supernatural talent that makes them unique. The balance of power—and the deteriorating condition of all magic—will now rest on the shoulders of a mythical couple known as the Cahr Awen as the Twenty Year Truce in a centuries-long battle is set to come to an end.

Author: Susan Dennard


Best Books to Read Like Matched

That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Matched interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!

Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Matched

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