
Perception Reality – Novel -A Dystopian Paradise – Upcoming Book

Perception Reality a Dystopian Novel by Ralph K Jones

Imagine waking up everyday, feeling great about your life, everything is running smoothly, all is well. Sure you still have to work, but you’re doing what you can for the future of humanity, working hard and playing hard in conditions that are close to a young person’s Utopia. Then you slowly come to realise nothing is as what it seems, the cracks beneath the surface, loss of control, and the world you see is not quite what you get.

Ralph K Jones lastest dystopian delight explores the concepts mentioned and much more Perception RealityThe Dark Side of the Moon takes you on a journey deep into the exploration of what it really means to be human.

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Story Outline Dystopia’s What You Make It

The story followers a miner called Rory, he is stationed on the moon of titan mining a precious mineral that fuels the human experience and expansion. Proud of his achievements and contribution to humanity, Rory stands tall, he works hard, plays hard and has lots of fun along the way.

Rory and his fellow miners have to remain vigilant, for the moon can take its toll on their body and minds. Living in fear of Moon Mind, a terrible affliction that can lead to multiple unwanted effects.

Perception Reality undertakes an exploration of what it means to be human, and how the way we see things impacts heavily the way we act. However, if seeing is believing what happens when you realise everything you see is being manipulated, your in a prison without walls, yet it’s still a prison! Do you continue to conform, swallow the propaganda and go back to the false utopia, or fight back and risk everything to be free?

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Final Say on Perception Reality by Ralph K Jones

The book offers an enjoyable easy read, asking questions many of us already feel. This book would suit anyone who works 9 to 5 and on the treadmill of life. We can ask ourselves what it truly means to be free, and does freedom already exists. Perception Reality does not have all the answers but it certainly asks the right questions.

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Dave P
Dave P
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