
C.L. Bevill’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite C.L. Bevill Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author C.L. Bevill, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with C.L. Bevill you will find my Ten favourites of C.L. Bevill’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Cats regard humans as warm blooded furniture.”
C.L. Bevill, Silver Moon

 “Bubba said something about Willowdean having a stalker,” Miz Demetrice said.

“A stalker?” Aunt Caressa repeated as if she was unfamiliar with the word.

“You know, someone who follows you around, sends you cards, dead flowers, and turns up unwanted,” Miz Demetrice said.

“Oh, you mean kind of like a Republican,” Aunt Caressa Concluded.”
― C.L. Bevill, Bubba and the Missing Woman

“In the South, there was a gentle tradition of ‘it’s only a crime if you get caught doing it.’ Sometimes it was known as the Eleventh Commandment. Thou shall not get caught.”
― C. L. Bevill, Bubba and the Dead Woman

 “Bubba showed it to his mother. Then he played the tape. It was about ten minutes of moaning, wailing, and some chains rattling.”
― C.L. Bevill, Bubba and the Dead Woman

 “The superstitious one will never walk upon a grave. It’s said that its sinful in the day and terrible bad luck in the dark.”
― C.L. Bevill, Veiled Eyes

 “Jack wasn’t worried. Wherever Mirie was stuck, she had probably taken over and was ruling as the de facto empress.”
― C.L. Bevill, Amber Moon

“He was beginning to sound like a charismatic preacher on a Sunday after the welfare checks had been delivered.”
― C.L. Bevill, Bubba and the Dead Woman

 “The woman ran down the dirt track as if fleeing demons from Hell.”
― C.L. Bevill, Black Moon

“Black Moon – The second new moon of a month, an infrequent event.”
― C. L. Bevill

“Fuck you and the paranormal horse you rode in on.”
― C.L. Bevill, Blood Moon

10 Famous Quotes by Author C.L. Bevill

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by C.L. Bevill, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author C.L. Bevill.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for C.L. Bevill.

One Final Bonus – C.L. Bevill Quote 

“into the trees when the occasional car went past them. When he reached his vehicle, a new Jeep Wrangler, he had put her inside, cautiously buckling her into the passenger seat. In a case from the rear he had removed another bottle of the special spray he had used at the Whitelaw compound. He had used more of the spray to disperse their scents. Finally he”

― C.L. Bevill, Black Moon

Dave P
Dave P
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