
C.J. Archer’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite C.J. Archer Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author C.J. Archer, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with C.J. Archer you will find my Ten favourites of C.J. Archer’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“I’m very busy.”
― C.J. Archer

 “It was like comparing chocolate and apples. Both tasted good, yet one was a decadent experience to be savored, and the other something that could be found in every grocer’s cart on every corner. I liked both, but I would always choose chocolate over an apple.”
― C.J. Archer, The Watchmaker’s Daughter

“Fitzroy stood over the body, his arms rigid at his sides, a bloody dagger in each hand. His loose hair fell to his eyes in ragged tangles. He was covered in blood, some of it probably his, and looked very much like an avenging devil”
― C.J. Archer, The Last Necromancer

 “I know you think what we have is sordid. Perhaps it is. Perhaps neither of us knows how to love properly and this is our twisted way of showing that we care. Or perhaps we should both be committed to an asylum”
― C.J. Archer, Of Fates And Phantoms

 “Anyway,” I added, “why do you want people noticing you? I thought you were with Anthony.” “I am. But that doesn’t mean I don’t still want guys looking at me.”
― C.J. Archer, The Paranormal 13

 “It lies not in our power to love or hate, For will in us is overruled by fate.”

-Christopher Marlowe, Hero and Leander
(The Charmer)”
― CJ Archer

“Yet he’d never laughed at the jokes I laughed at. I should have taken that as a sign that he wasn’t for me, at the very least.”
― C.J. Archer, The Watchmaker’s Daughter

 “The devil get you,” Holloway hissed. “One day. But not today. I be too busy.”
― C.J. Archer, The Last Necromancer

“Tell me you won’t go, tell me you’ll stay forever, tell me you love me.”
― C.J. Archer, The Medium

“Where common sense gets thrown out and emotions rule, trouble follows.”
― C.J. Archer, The Magician’s Diary

10 Famous Quotes by Author C.J. Archer

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by C.J. Archer, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author C.J. Archer.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for C.J. Archer. 

One Final Bonus – C.J. Archer Quote 

“met Barnaby Wiggam’s ghost. The fat, bulbous-nosed spirit fading in and out beside me like a faulty gas lamp clearly thought he was dealing with a fool. I may only be seventeen but I’m not naïve. I know when someone is lying—being dead didn’t alter the tell-tale signs. Mr. Wiggam didn’t quite meet my eyes, or those of his widow and her guests—none of whom could see him anyway—and he fidgeted with his crisp white silk necktie as if it strangled”

― C.J. Archer, The Medium

Dave P
Dave P
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