
Short Review of Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

Eat That Frog: Book Review

What did I like the most? This book would highly benefit all those who work in business or industry of any nature.

The author refers to Frog as the most critical task at hand. It is a means to help people stay engaged in business and industry. These two fields require the application of management principles and techniques mostly. The author has several suggestions for the workers, supervisors, and managers.

The author has a valuable piece of advice. One needs to take up the most critical task. Second, if there are two tasks, take up the most challenging task and work on it. Thirdly, when there is a task to take up, one must not delay taking up the task.

The author has made the book readable by giving an exciting analogy. The author opines that performance and productivity go hand in hand. So achieving performance and productivity, a speedy plan to start and finish the most crucial task, is highly needed. One needs to read and review the list of tasks in the morning. This way, the efficiency would increase and would show productive results. The author suggests using paper and pencil to write the plans and make a list of tasks. One’s capability to differentiate between important and unimportant tasks may determine success in life.

Using analogical language, the author suggests that if there is a worthing finding solution, attend it first with no delay. The author suggests that the list to do tasks may be made few hours before going to sleep, thus planning for the next day’s work schedule.

There need to be different lists for another purpose. So a monthly index, a weekly list, and a day’s list and its review make the planning and execution of tasks easy. The author advises applying the 80/20 rule before taking up a task; the doer needs to ask oneself. The question is simply whether the task was taken up deserves attention in the 20% of the activities or the 80% bottom. Further, the author suggests that the temptation to clear up small things must be resisted. The author motivates a manager to believe in long-term thinking because it improves short-term decision-making.

Again the author suggests putting a question to oneself—the potential consequences of doing or not doing a task. The plans for the future often determine to prevent actions. The author explains that persons aiming at success give importance to long-term benefits. The author reminds the reader that in the absence of a motive, no motivation would be there.

In a continuous approach to solve the tasks, one needs to have a comprehensive view of the policy’s pros and cons, which will be formulated and applied.

The author opines and comments that the most critical task needs prime focus. Precious advice to the worker and manager; one can control a certain degree of their life provided one discards lower value activities. The author discusses many models and self exercises which would be of great help to the managerial persons.

The author suggests that the manager be a self-pusher and not be reminded by others regarding their tasks. The author suggests one maximises their powers. To add, the author advises taking a day’s complete rest, not doing anything official.

Further, the author asks a person to work in terms of self-motivation. Because not to give any chance to others for any motivation offered. Thus the actions would be facilitated at a faster and upbeat pace. Optimism is yet another quality for grooming a personal or professional success story. In the eyes of the author, the optimists prove to be better works and managers.

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Dave P
Dave P
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