
Everything You Need to Know About Monsta Infinite

The project is being worked on by a group of around a dozen professionals from Singapore and Malaysia. CEO Jin Tan and CTO HK Chong are included in this group. As a group, the bulk of the members have backgrounds in technology and/or blockchain, as well as a strong drive to build solutions that will help the greater community.

Its makers claim that “Monsta Infinite” is a less expensive alternative to the popular NFT game, “Axie Infinity.”

What is Monsta Infinite?

Monsta Infinite is a potential Play-to-Earn and GameFi game. In this game, construct MONSTA teams of gorgeous animals to destroy the enemy. Players that slay these monsters will get STT tokens, an in-game currency. Players may train MONSTAs and compete for prizes on Dozo. Monsta Infinite will provide a wide range of MONSTA creation and transaction options. Learn how to trade your earnings in Monsta Infinite by visiting bitcoin evolution.

It’s a turn-based card battle and a match-3 puzzle all rolled into one. In “Monsta Infinite,” prehistoric creatures from Shani’s fictional realm will be presented. When Jilaka attacks the Monsta, they summon the Inception Monsta. You must collect MONI tokens and adorable creatures in “Monsta Infinite” to proceed through the game.

How does Monsta Infinite work?

NFT games like Axie Infinity, Decentraland, and Cryptokitties are all inspirations for Monsta Infinite’s gameplay, but it also has its own distinct features. Three MONSTAs are required to begin play. Inception or ordinary MONSTA, it’s hard to tell. It was the first batch of Inception MONSTA that was released. MONSTAs with legendary body parts are very rare NFTs. ID numbers range from one to four thousand eighty-eight. These “unique” MONSTAs are Non-Functional Triggers (NFTs).

The greatest MONSTAs and their skill cards are needed for Monsta Infinite. MONSTA has the ability to target every opponent on the opposing team, unlike in previous games. Randomly shuffled cards may be used to attack and weaken opponents. Casual and expert players both will enjoy the game’s fighting mechanics.

Players must mix two MONSTAs in order to create new ones. STT and MONI tokens are required to perform a clone. The fighting game Monsta Infinite takes place in an open universe. The game allows for the creation of both beautiful and practical items. PvP gets a new marketing tool.

What makes Monsta Infinite (MONI) unique?

The goal of Monsta Infinite was to shake up the play-to-earn business. To put it another way, it means they’re looking for a game idea that’s easy to update and that’s fun, engaging, and long-lasting.

Some of the unique features of Monsta are:

 ELO system in Monsta Infinite

Players in Monsta Infinite may only compete against other players in their same level range, unlike many other blockchain games that include PvP.

This function is meant to put players at ease by ensuring that they will not encounter highly powerful adversaries in their adventures. This strategy is used when you want equal rewards and level playing field.

Extremely customizable in Monsta Infinite

MONSTA’s body is made up of its head, face, chest, tail, limbs, and legs. By sacrificing other MONSTAs and using resources like STT and Nuts, they may be created. This enables the user to control the population of MONSTA while also assembling a more powerful team.

  • Anti-bot mechanism

A big problem in earning games is the use of bots to automate the gathering of resources and items. By using a mystery puzzle-style gaming idea, Monsta Infinite is able to overcome this challenge and ensure that genuine players always have an edge over bots.

  • Safety

To ensure the safety of its players, Monsta Infinite uses a number of methods to address their concerns. In order to avoid seed / secret key spoofing attacks, both a sidechain wallet and two-factor authentication are incorporated.

  • Two token economy

Game play is facilitated by use of MONI and STT tokens as money. A vote may be cast and claims staked on important matters by holders of the MONI token (to generate passive income and dividends). Total MONI value will be calculated.

Other than that, STT is used in-game to acquire and combine MONSTAs (along with MONI). The only method to receive this token is to participate in games or purchase it from a third-party exchange.



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