
Daughter’s Best Friend Is A Bad Idea

Why Wanting To Be Your Daughter’s Best Friend Is a Bad Idea

It is common for mothers to consider their daughters to be best friends with one another in an effort to preserve a healthy relationship with their daughters. However, although this might be useful in certain instances, it can also be very detrimental in others. Not that you can’t be your daughter’s friend, but if you don’t want to get yourself into trouble, you must constantly adhere to certain guidelines and boundaries. Keep your scepticism about the situation. Within the next several minutes, I’ll explain why….

They might forget that you are the mother and she is the daughter

A period of time will pass during which the two of you will feel comfortable discussing a broad variety of issues. As time progresses, this cohabitation continues to blur the lines that once separated the two groups of individuals. Regarding your daughter, you are just another friend with whom she may chat, dispute and have a wonderful time; you are not a figure of authority. As a result, she may begin to regard you with contempt or attempt to push the limits that you and your husband have established for her even farther than they already are.

There are private things you don’t want to know

I can tell you from personal experience that if your mother is your best friend, she and your mother will tell each other anything and everything about their lives. Because you are no longer alone, it seems fantastic at first to have a confidant who is constantly there for you, because you no longer feel alone. However, at some point, information is divulged that the other party should not have been aware of prior to that point. During a party, they could talk about the issues in their marriage, but you might talk about the challenges you are having with your spouse or the activities you are participating in. A consequence of this is that both parties learn about things that are a bit uncomfortable for them and that produce a significant amount of tension in their relationship.

Both can change your perception of the other

You should expect your relationship with your mother or daughter to become unpleasant at some point due to knowing so much private information about each other’s lives. You may find yourself at a loss for what to say in response to what they have to say to you. If you happen to be the daughter in issue, you will be uncomfortable with your mother’s critical look on your face. Additionally, as a mother, you must chastise your daughter for her inappropriate behaviour, and she will not react in the most positive way.


It is common for mothers to consider their daughters to be best friends with one another in an effort to preserve a healthy relationship with their daughters. This might be useful in certain instances, but can also be very detrimental in others. If you don’t want to get yourself into trouble, you must constantly adhere to certain guidelines and boundaries. You should expect your relationship with your mother or daughter to become unpleasant at some point due to knowing so much private information about each other’s lives. You may find yourself at a loss for what to say in response to what they have to say to you. As a mother, you must chastise your daughter for her inappropriate behaviour, and she will not react in the most positive way. Both parties learn about things that are uncomfortable for them and that produce a significant amount of tension in their relationship.

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Fun Fact

Should a mother be her daughter's best friend?

The research found that mothers and daughters are more likely to understand and relate to the emotions of each other than anyone else.

Kelly W
Kelly W
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.
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