
Best Stoic Quotes On Purpose

Stoic Quotes On Purpose

Here is some best stoic quotes about purpose:

Best Quotes on Purpose from Stoicism

As a practicing Stoic, I have used many quotes on Purpose to help me, inspire me, or keep me sane. I hope you find some gain and drive in some of Stoicism’s finest quotes on Purpose. Developing peace of mind through confidence in one’s abilities is what Stoicism is all about and knowing that this is ancient wisdom, along with applications by modern great, you know the Stoic beliefs stand up.

Stoic Quotes on Purpose

“A man’s true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a just estimate of himself and everything else, on frequent self-examinations, and a steady obedience to the rule which he knows to be right, without troubling himself about what others may think or say, or whether they do or do not that which he thinks and says and does.”

– Marcus Aurelius

“Never act without purpose and resolve, or without the means to finish the job.”

– Marcus Aurelius

“People who labor all their lives but have no purpose to direct every thought and impulse toward are wasting their time-even when hard at work.”

– Marcus Aurelius

“Nature has given to each conscious being every power she possesses, and one of these abilities is this: just as Nature converts and alters every obstacle and opposition, and fits them into their predestined place, making them a part of herself, so too the rational person is able to finesse every obstacle into an opportunity, and to use it for whatever purpose it may suit.”

– Marcus Aurelius

“Don’t be concerned with other people’s impressions of you. They are dazzled and deluded by appearances. Stick with your purpose. This alone will strengthen your will and give your life coherence.”

– Epictetus

“In trying to please other people, we find ourselves misdirected toward what lies outside our sphere of influence. In doing so, we lose our hold on our lifes purpose.”

– Epictetus

“He is free who lives as he wishes to live; who is neither subject to compulsion nor to hindrance, nor to force; whose movements to action are not impeded, whose desires attain their purpose, and who does not fall into that which he would avoid.”

– Epictetus

“Focus not on what he or she does, but on keeping to your higher purpose. Your own purpose should seek harmony with nature itself. For this is the true road to freedom.”


“Freedom and happiness come from understanding – and working with – our limits. Begin at once a program of self-mastery. Stick with your purpose. Do not seek external approval. Do not worry about anything outside of your control. The only things you command are your thoughts and actions. We choose our response. Stop aspiring to be anyone other than your own best self: for that does fall within your control.”

– Epictetus

“From Apollonius I learned freedom of will and undeviating steadiness of purpose; and to look to nothing else, not even for a moment, except to reason.”

– Marcus Aurelius

Stoic Quotes on Purpose the Best Quotes From the Stoics

I hope these Purpose quotes helped you. Please comment below and share the best Stoic quotes that have benefited you when needing Stoicism’s best quotes on Purpose.

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Teboho Ibrahim
Teboho Ibrahim
Love culture History Freedom Truth and experience.


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