What are the Bidding Tips to Write a Competitive Proposal?
These bidding tips are equally important for new or old freelancers. As this post will help everyone to win maximum legit projects on freelancer.com or Upwork etc. Well, all the clients/employers are looking for competitive bids/proposals from different candidates to select the best one in their journey of hiring freelancers.
You might notice already or if you’re new in freelancing, you will notice soon. There are hundreds of candidates applying within minutes of recently posted jobs. It shows a tough competition. So the question arises here that how to write the best bid proposal? How to be get noticed? How to win a project? or what are the best bidding tips to be followed?
All of your questions will be answered in this single post, so keep reading 🙂
Bid Proposal
A bid proposal is basically a summary of your skills and qualifications that why do you think, you should be hired?
Competitive Proposal Writing or Bidding Tips
Many bidders think, sending a blank message to notify the client that you are also interested in the posted job is more than enough. But let me tell you, that is totally wrong concept of bidding.
You should mention all the possible details such as stating your relevant skills-set, experience or past projects (if you already worked on similar project e.g. related portfolio), whether you have any relevant qualification such as degree, certificate or any online exam proof etc. (Such as you can pass skills exams on freelancer too which will increase your chances to win more projects), don’t forget to explain your understandings about the project, your confidence level and completion date guarantee with accuracy and excellence. Don’t forget to ask questions (if any) else simply state price and the best turnaround time.
5 Bidding Tips to Win Real Projects Only
While we are talking about following the best bidding tips, we should take care of finding only real projects so we can save our bids.
Note: Being freelancer, you might know that each bid is important so use it carefully. Don’t waste your bids on fake projects.
1- Don’t bid randomly
There are many freelancers who bid on any project, and they might believe in quantity than quality. Let me tell you this can harm your reputation on freelancer.com, furthermore, sending blank or pre-made proposals to hundreds of clients won’t work at all but writing custom proposals and bidding only on 10 best projects will help you to win more. As you will get more time to write custom messages as per clients’ requirements that will leave a good impression on your potential clients.
2- Checking project description is most important
Each legit client will give a good time in writing project description, requirements or terms etc. If those aren’t understandable, simply skip bidding there. As either client will be fake or maybe the project will be too hard for you to complete successfully.
If you understand the project, follow the above-mentioned bidding tips to submit the proposal and if you have few doubts/questions, ask the client in your first message.
3- Avoid Using Pre-Made Template Proposals
Some inexperienced freelancers think themselves as super smart, so they say it is a time-saving tip that if we make few ready-made bid templates and submit according to project niches. You might trick few clients by following such shortcut but trust me, most of the clients will ignore your bids straight away, as it will give show your interest in winning project only, and a crystal clear risk in not qualifying for the project. I suggest, simply avoid such tricks, no matter you don’t have good grammar or communication skills, but still, always write a custom proposal as per clients’ requirements/ expectations.
Sometimes, clients are funnier than we freelancers, they write a code word in the project description and as all candidates to mention in their proposal while bidding haha so if you are bidding randomly or submitting the same proposal to all, you might skip adding that word.
4- Always Bid Reasonable
I am honestly suggesting to all of my readers. Never ever underbid/ lower bid / lower down your price to win the projects. Trust me, there are only a few clients who come with a low budget so maybe you will win a few projects from such clients. But that habit will affect your overall earning rank. And once you will have a high project completion rate with low earning rank. You will face too much difficulty in winning any next project. Because any good client won’t hire you by thinking that you can’t handle the good quality.
Even overpricing/overbidding or placing too high price is also wrong and will decrease your chances to win the project.
The best way is always to place the price according to your profile overall ranking but try to stay within the clients’ prescribed budget (if possible). Reasonable pricing is always great to win.
5- Do Have a Check on Employer’s Profile, Rating/Ranking
This is the most important point while we are discussing bidding tips. Before placing a bid on any project, check the client’s history such as
- When he/she has created the profile? It shouldn’t be recently as it is an indication of a fake profile.
- Is payment method verified? It should be verified.
- Does the client has any reviews? If yes check the ratings left by previous freelancers, there must be 4.8 to 5.0
- How many projects posted by this client? If posted projects are more than completed projects. Simply ignore bidding there. As he/she must have disputes with previous workers. So working for such a person can be risky for you too.
Few Bonus Bidding Tips to Get Noticed
Other than the above-mentioned bidding tips. There is one more great idea to judge your proposal if it is great? Simply put yourself into the client’s shoes. Why would you hire a freelancer for your project if you would be a client?
Usually, clients want to see the following stuff into your proposal;
1- Addressing Project Requirements:
Instead of reading your detailed intro, clients want you to address their problem, issue, project requirements etc. So, he/she can have an idea that you are experienced and might be able to handle his/her project.
2- Experience
Clients love to know your relevant experience to complete the project.
3- Portfolio
Your relevant work history or similar previous projects can impress your client. So, he/she can have confidence that you will be the best match.
4- Pricing
Reasonable pricing is the most important factor. Justify, why do you want the amount you are bidding.
5- Timing Matters
Bidding as soon as the project gets posted can help as many clients wait for a few minutes after posting project. So, before a huge crowd come on the same project, you can start to chat with the potential client as it will increase your chance to win the project.
Profile Evaluation:
Mostly, clients visit the freelancer’s profile page before hiring him/her. So, the following stuff can come under consideration:
- Number of projects (You have worked on)
- Overall rating
- Project completion rate
- Passed Skill exams & scores
- Portfolio
3 Points Must be Avoided
Following points must be avoided While writing an effective bid;
- Grammar mistakes (or make as less as possible)
- Writing unnecessary details.
Don’t forget that you are competing with hundreds of freelancers for the same project. So, think carefully what can differentiate you? Or What can help you to win the projects with this tough competition?
Hopefully, this article would be really helpful for all the freelancers. Please, ask questions (if you have any), Being freelancing experts, we are here to respond as per our experience.
Main Image Source : Pixabay
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