Men’s Skin Care Starter Kit by Brickell Free In Australia
Well, the time has finally come, after years of resistance, I am going to delve into the world of male grooming products, however, I had no clue how to get started. There is no guide for this, and it’s not something I would chat to my mates about over straight whisky and cigars, I was left with little choice of hats and long raincoats checking out the clinique section of Myers. But just as all hope seemed lost, there was hope, a light at the end of the tunnel, my mum messaged me saying have you seen this product and it’s free.

Now free and my mum goes hand in hand, we used to get a regular serving of Tesco Cola and shoes 2 sizes too big so we could grow into them, she can sniff free out like a bloodhound. Now I hear you, what the fuck’s my mother doing involved in all this, well turns out my wife had mentioned to her a few months ago I had been using some of her cleansers, but my skin type was not the right type for this cleaner, or some shit like that, no idea really. Anyway like a dog with a bone the Big Lebowski (my mum) had been diligently looking into products for me and she came up with Brickell Men’s Starter Sample Kit.
Total cost for me was $10.95 and arrived within 2 days, inside the box is a $10 voucher so if you purchase a product you like, this sample collection is effectively free, and if you don’t use it then it will look good in your bathroom cabinet.
Article contains affiliate links Brickell Men’s Purifying Charcoal Face Wash for Men
Brickell Men’s Starter Sample Kit Whats Included
Skincare Essentials
- Daily Essential Face Moisturizer (Trial Bottle)

Brickell Men’s Daily Essential Face Moisturizer for Men
- Purifying Charcoal Face Wash (Trial Bottle)

Brickell Men’s Purifying Charcoal Face Wash for Men
- Clarifying Gel Face Wash (Trial Bottle)

Brickell Men’s Clarifying Gel Face Wash for Men
- Purifying Charcoal Face Mask (Trial Jar)

- Balancing Toner (Trial Jar)

Brickell Men’s Balancing Toner For Men
Shave & Beard Essentials
- Smooth Brushless Shave Cream (Trial Jar)

- Instant Relief Aftershave (Trial Bottle)
Brickell Men’s Instant Relief Aftershave for Men
- Renewing Face Scrub (Trial Jar)

Men’s Anti-Aging Essentials
- Revitalizing Anti-Aging Cream (Trial Jar)

- Restoring Eye Cream (Trial Jar)

Brickell Men’s Restoring Eye Cream for Men
- Repairing Night Serum (Trial Jar)

Brickell Men’s Anti Aging Repairing Night Face Serum for Men
- Reviving Day Serum (Trial Jar)

Brickell Men’s Anti Aging Reviving Day Face Serum for Men
Men’s Hair Care & Body Essentials
- Daily Strengthening Shampoo (Trial Bottle)

Brickell Men’s Products Daily Strengthening Shampoo for Men
- Revitalizing Scalp and Hair Conditioner (Trial Jar)

- All in One Wash (Trial Bottle)

Now please don’t ask me what all these do as I have no idea, I think the Illuminati level day and night serum, whatever the hell they are must be awesome just because of the name. However, it’s quite obvious that Brickell has thought long and hard about the availability of information for men on growing products, and acknowledge the dark arts are not yet known to most males. They, therefore, include an awesome guide on how and what and when to use this stuff. In all honesty, I am a bit scared, what happens next, well only one way to find out (ask the wife).

Conclusion Brickell Men’s Starter Sample Kits Free and Available Australia
I begin my journey into the male grooming market with hot anticipation, am I fully committed? No, however, will I give it a go and do I think the stuff looks awesome? Yes? Brickell clearly value their products and quality of there stuff, and out with the dove soap and head and shoulders and into the Brave New World of men using beauty products.
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Fun Fact
Why Brickell Men's Anti Aging Reviving Day Face Serum?
Brickell Men’s Anti Aging Reviving Day Face Serum for Men … ordered the free sample pack, and have incorporated it into my skin care routine