
Can Acupuncture Treat Excess Sweat On Palms And Feet?

More sweat glands are found on the hands and soles of the feet than anywhere else on the body. The most frequent sweating issue is excessive hand perspiration, and sweaty hands frequently accompany sweaty feet. Teenagers even avoid social situations in extreme cases because they are more concerned with “how they can stop sweating” before anyone notices.


Palmar hyperhidrosis and pedal hyperhidrosis, respectively, are conditions where excessive sweating in the hands and feet develops into a severe issue. They typically start in early childhood, run in families, and worsen throughout adolescence and the first few years of adulthood. The skin on the perspiring hands and feet is susceptible to cracking and scaling, blisters, frostbite, warts, and fungal infections.


Both acupuncture and ayurvedic medicine are incredibly effective at treating excessive perspiration. In fact, one of the most important indicators of internal discord is how one sweats. Ancient medical texts regard sweat as a fundamental component that is thoroughly examined. It is important to know that there are alternatives to intrusive, frequently dangerous surgeries and pharmaceuticals, even if sweating issues can be addressed with surgery and pills.


The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports that day and night sweats, generalised sweating, and sleep problems can all be treated with acupuncture for menopausal women. Only 15 minutes of acupuncture per week for three to six weeks was necessary to show results. Acupuncture may help people with stress-related sweating as well, according to research published in the journal Autonomic Neuroscience, despite the BMJ study’s primary focus on menopausal women.


What is hyperhidrosis?


Hyperhidrosis refers to the overactive production of sweat by the sweat glands. The quantity produced exceeds what our body needs to cool and maintain its internal temperature. Doctors frequently make connections between excessive perspiration, temperature changes, and a person’s emotional and physical health. Sweating can occur anywhere on the body, including the underarms, feet, palms, and feet of the person with this issue.


Additional causes of hyperhidrosis include:


  • excessive thyroid function.
  • Anxiety attack
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Menopause
  • certain cancer types


How Does Acupuncture Work?


Hyperhidrosis can be treated with acupuncture and significantly reduce excessive sweating on palms and feet because it treats the symptom (the sweating) as well as the underlying cause of the sweating at the same time, the treatment is quite effective.


According to ancient acupuncture, heat in the heart is the primary cause of this hyperhidrosis. Acupuncture’s hyperhidrosis treatment balances the heart, extinguishes the fire within, and modifies bodily processes so that the heart does not produce excessive heat once more. The end outcome is less perspiration.


It is amazingly accurate, and the outcomes are much better than those of any other treatment. Indeed, acupuncture is one of the safest and all-natural treatments for hyperhidrosis.


What dietary and lifestyle changes should I make in addition to this?


To reduce sweating and body odour, there are several things you can do on your own. The following advice could be useful:


Daily shower: Bathing frequently reduces the number of microorganisms on your skin.


Try some relaxation methods: Think about relaxing practices like yoga, meditation, or biofeedback. You can use these to learn how to manage the tension that causes perspiration.


Check your diet: Consider cutting out caffeinated drinks from your diet as well as pungent foods like garlic and onions from your diet if certain foods or drinks make you perspire more than normal or your perspiration smells.


Pick clothing made of natural fibers: Wear natural fibers that let your skin breathe, such as cotton, wool, and silk. You could choose high-tech textiles that keep perspiration away from your skin when exercising.


Apply antiperspirants before bed: Apply antiperspirants to your feet or palms before you hit the bed. Try no sweat spray without fragrance.


After bathing dry your feet: the moist areas between your toes are a haven for microbes. To help absorb sweat, use over-the-counter foot powders.


Consider socks and shoes made of natural materials:  Natural fabrics like leather, which enable your feet to breathe, can help avoid sweaty feet.


Change your footwear: If you struggle with sweaty feet, try not to wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row, as they won’t entirely dry overnight.


Put on properly fitted socks. Wool and cotton socks absorb moisture, which keeps your feet dry. Athletic socks that wick away perspiration are a good option while you’re active.


Aerate your feet: When you can, avoid wearing shoes or, at the very least, occasionally remove them.




Although sweating is normal in the summer and cannot be avoided, excessive perspiration can be uncomfortable, unpleasant, and even a sign of an imbalance. Regular amounts of sweating are beneficial and our body uses it to naturally prevent overheating, but 3% of people have a condition called hyperhidrosis that causes excessive perspiration, which can be dealt with products for hyperhidrosis in most cases. The acupuncture and herbal remedies selected depend on the individual’s general health, the time of day or night the sweating occurs, and the portion of the body that is sweating. Acupuncture is a fantastic alternative to more invasive, perhaps harmful treatments for excessive perspiration.



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