
Canadian Swear Words: Ranked Strongest to Weakest (X-Rated)

Canadian Swear Words: Ranked Strongest to Weakest

Canada may be known for politeness, maple syrup, and hockey, but make no mistake—Canadians know how to swear with the best of them. With influences from both English and French, Canada’s colorful vocabulary offers a unique blend of profanity that’s as versatile as it is entertaining. Whether it’s a heated moment at a hockey game or a bad day at Tim Hortons, here’s the ultimate guide to Canadian swear words, ranked from strongest to weakest.

The Strongest Swear Words in Canada

1. F***

The MVP of Swearing

Just like their neighbors to the south, Canadians love a good “f***.” It’s the go-to swear word for frustration, excitement, or sheer disbelief. Whether you’re on the ice or stuck in traffic on the 401, it’s a perfect fit.

  • Example:
    • “What the f*** is this snowstorm in April?”
    • “Pass me the f***in’ poutine!”
  • Pro Tip: Add “eh” for a quintessential Canadian twist—e.g., “F*** off, eh?”

2. Tabarnak

The Sacred Heavyweight

Derived from “tabernacle,” this French-Canadian swear word is one of the strongest in the Quebecois arsenal. It’s powerful, versatile, and steeped in religious rebellion.

  • Example:
    • “Tabarnak! How did the Leafs lose again?”
    • “This weather is pure tabarnak.”
  • Pro Tip: Use sparingly unless you’re fluent in Quebecois culture—this one carries weight.

3. C***

The Controversial One

In Canada, “c***” is used much less casually than in other English-speaking countries. It’s an extreme insult and often considered deeply offensive, so tread carefully.

  • Example:
    • “Don’t be a c***, Dave.”
  • Pro Tip: It’s rarely used, so only pull it out if you’re ready for serious consequences.

Mid-Tier Canadian Insults (Still Pack a Punch)

4. A**hole

The Universal Insult

“A**hole” is as Canadian as a double-double from Tim Hortons. It’s perfect for calling out bad drivers or line cutters, and it’s sharp enough to get your point across.

  • Example:
    • “That a**hole just stole my parking spot!”
    • “Quit being an a**hole and share the ketchup chips.”

5. Crisse

The Quebecois Classic

Another French-Canadian gem, “crisse” comes from “Christ” and is used to express anger or frustration. It’s milder than “tabarnak” but still packs a punch.

  • Example:
    • “Crisse! That coffee’s hot.”
    • “What a crisse of a day I’m having.”
  • Pro Tip: Quebecois swear words are often linked to religious terms, giving them extra cultural depth.

6. Hoser

The Iconic Canadian Insult

“Hoser” is a uniquely Canadian way of calling someone a fool, idiot, or loser. It’s light-hearted, playful, and best used among friends.

  • Example:
    • “You forgot the beer, ya hoser!”
    • “What a hoser move, trying to shovel the driveway in flip-flops.”
  • Pro Tip: This one’s less offensive and often said with a smile.

The Playful and Milder Swears

7. Shit

The Reliable Workhorse

“Shit” is as universal as it gets. Canadians use it for everything from minor annoyances to major grievances.

  • Example:
    • “This is some serious shit, eh?”
    • “I stepped in moose shit again.”
  • Pro Tip: Pair it with “bull” for extra flair—e.g., “That’s total bullshit.”

8. Damn

The Polite Curse

“Damn” is mild enough for casual conversations but still lets you vent a little frustration. It’s a starter swear for those trying to keep it clean.

  • Example:
    • “Damn, that’s good maple syrup!”
    • “I forgot my toque. Damn it!”

9. Bugger

The Imported Swear

“Bugger” isn’t native to Canada, but it’s popular enough to make the list. It’s mild and often said with humor.

  • Example:
    • “Bugger off, I’m trying to watch the game.”
    • “Ah, bugger it. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.”

10. Knob

The Low-Impact Insult

“Knob” is great for calling someone an idiot without escalating things. It’s mild, funny, and unlikely to start a fight.

  • Example:
    • “Don’t be a knob, eh? It’s just a game.”
    • “That guy’s such a knob for cutting in line.”

Honorable Mentions

  • Piss Off: “Piss off, I’m not shoveling your driveway again.”
  • Dickhead: “That dickhead forgot the butter tarts.”
  • Gobshite: “Quit acting like a gobshite and pass the puck.”

Swearing Pro Tips

  1. Bilingual Swearing: French-Canadian curses like “tabarnak” and “crisse” add flair to your insults.
  2. Add “Eh”: A little “eh” at the end makes any swear distinctly Canadian—e.g., “Shut up, ya knob, eh?”
  3. Know Your Audience: Canadians might be polite, but they’re also swearing connoisseurs. Save the stronger stuff for the rink, not the office.

Bonus Word: “Keener

Not a swear word, but uniquely Canadian. A “keener” is someone who’s overly eager or tries too hard, often to the annoyance of others.

  • Example:
    • “Stop being such a keener and let someone else answer.”
    • “Look at that keener shoveling snow at 6 a.m.”


Canadian swearing is as diverse as the country itself, blending English, French, and a little hockey-fueled rage. From the powerhouse “f***” to the playful “hoser,” Canadians have a word for every occasion. So whether you’re venting about winter or arguing over who gets the last Timbit, these swear words have you covered. Use them wisely, eh?

See Also: Indian Swear Words: Ranked Strongest to Weakest (X-Rated)

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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