
International Day For Abolition Of Slavery 2022 Theme

International Day For Abolition Of Slavery

International Day For Abolition Of Slavery is celebrated every year on 2 December. So it was when the General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Traffic in Persons and Exploitation of Others (resolution 317(IV) of 2 December 1949) as part of the International Day to End slavery. Likewise, the International Day is commemorated when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the first Convention to combat human trafficking. Forcible child labour, forced marriage, and the recruitment of minors into armed combat are among the most heinous forms of modern slavery that will be addressed today.

Human trafficking is becoming a worldwide phenomenon that affects nearly every country. Between 2007 and 2010, UNODC tracked more than 460 distinct trafficking routes worldwide, identifying 136 different nationalities and 118 different countries as targets. Trafficking in persons poses a unique mix of problems that most governments have yet to address, as seen by the growing scope of the problem. Trafficking in person crimes convictions have increased, but most countries’ conviction rates remain extremely low. Despite human trafficking’s widespread prevalence, a recent Global Report on Trafficking in Persons found that only one in three countries could identify any convictions for human trafficking crimes from 2007 to 2010.


When the United Nations Convention to Prevent Traffic in Persons and Exploitation of Others was adopted, it became known as the International Day to End Slavery. The General Assembly’s resolution 317(IV) of 2 December 1949 attempts to eradicate current forms of slavery that are rooted in the past. Slavery’s history is a constant reminder of the horrors and cruelty of slavery. The practice of slavery was widespread throughout the world and was used to enslave large numbers of people. Trans-Atlantic slavery is the most recent example of modern-day slavery. At this time, Africans were brought to the United States and made to labour in plantations owned by European imperialists.

The Atlantic slave trade began in the 15th century, when Portugal and later other European kingdoms were finally able to expand overseas and reach Africa. The Portuguese first started kidnapping people from the west coast of Africa and sending them back to Europe.

United Nations

Human trafficking, child labour, and forced prostitution have evolved as new kinds of slavery after slavery was abolished. The United Nations has a strong interest in stopping this. According to UN human rights authorities, traditional beliefs and rituals perpetuate slavery. Slavery is a long-standing effect of discrimination against society’s most vulnerable groups, such as those considered low caste, a tribal minority, and indigenous peoples. On this day, we should remember how the current period of globalisation has allowed the expansion of informal economies and widening economic gaps between countries, resulting in an increase in international labour and commodity movements that have led to a rise in worldwide human trafficking.

Also See: International Day for Biological Diversity 2022

The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, complementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which went into force on 25 December 2003, is the most current international effort to confront this crime on a worldwide scale. For the first time, the Trafficking in Persons Protocol established a widely accepted definition of human trafficking. It is concerned with all forms of exploitation and all sorts of victims to promote more criminal justice action, the protection and execution of victim rights. The Protocol on Trafficking in Persons binds governments that have ratified it to work together to prevent human trafficking, prosecute offenders, protect and help trafficking victims, and promote international cooperation in these endeavours. Do you know? Over 158 nations have so far signed the Trafficking in Persons Protocol.

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Fun Fact

How many people face modern-day slavery?

Over 40 million people face modern-day slavery.


Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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