
Major Islamist Terrorist Attacks of the Past 5 Years

Dreading Terrorist Attacks in The Last 5 Years

Terrorism has been around since the dawn of time. They have come in the form of wars, sieges, sacks, and most acts of violence.

Regardless, the concept has gained attention in the media throughout the past 40 years. Coincidentally, that was also the start of the digital age, a lifestyle of more comfort.

And, when comfort and security become habits, people tend to fear often.

The Western World specifically is panicking about terrorism all over the media. Bombings such as those of Paris 2015 and 9/11 have been seen as the end of the world by many.

But Terrorism is More Severe in the Islamic World…

Terrorist attacks of Islamist groups, while they do occur in the West, are frequent in Islamic countries. This is a fact that many people in the West don’t know about.

Thus, we’ve decided to compile a brief list of the most severe terrorist attacks in the past 5 years. We’ll be presenting this list below, plus some perspective on what the list implies.

(1) May 2012 – Sana’a Suicide Bombing (Yemen).

120+ dead, 350+ injured.

A terrorist bombing like that would cause a freak out in the West. In Yemen on the other hand, news of bombings is frequent.

This attack was done by Al-Qaeda of the Arab Peninsula (yes, this still do exist). This was a suicide bombing that was done on a public rehearsal of Yemen’s Unity Day.

(2) April 2013 – Army Raid of Hawija (Iraq).

331+ dead, 577 injured.

Army brutality at its finest. The sides of the conflict in this act were the Iraq army and several insurgent groups. The conflict led to the death of many civilians, and the destabilization of the city.

The conflict lasted for 4 days. The main targets of the attacks were members of the “Sons of Iraq” insurgency.

You usually would not see this form of action by governments against people in the 21st century. Unfortunately, it is a possibility and this form of brutality does exist to this day. Ever since the end of the Iraq War with the US, the country couldn’t properly amend its security systems.

(3) June 2014 – Badush Prison Massacre (Iraq).

670 dead.

Most world prisons respect their prisoners. Sure, they did crimes and are now in jail. But they still must be treated in a humane manner (proportionate to the severity of their crime).

You also usually hear of prisoners applying political pressure through hunger strikes. With a terrorist on the other hand, hunger strikes are useless.

The Badush Prison Massacre was performed by ISIL. The targets where Shiite Muslim prisoners. Being Shiites, their religious practices were against those of ISIL (Sunni Muslims).

The massacre was verified when a mass grave was discovered with around 500 bodies.

(4) January 2015 – Baga Massacre (Nigeria).

2000+ dead.

Only 9/11 rivals the death toll of this crime.

The main terrorist group responsible for this crime was Boko Haram. This is the Islamist terrorist group in Nigeria. They have been known for causing trouble to the Nigerian government. Additionally, the terrorist group was responsible for many kidnappings and enslavement of Nigerian children.

Do note that young girls were used by Boko Haram as sex slaves.

In the Baga Massacre, Boko Haram invaded villages in the North Eastern part of the country. Fire was opened on civilians, with at least 100 discovered dead. 2000+ others were discovered missing (assumed dead).

(5) April 2016 – Mosul (Iraq).

250 killed (women).

Terrorists don’t just target people based on their beliefs. They also target gender.

In Mosul – Iraq, 250 women were killed, refusing to be sex slaves to terrorists. The crime was committed in ISIL as part of the Iraq civil war.

(6) April 2016 – Damascus (Syria).

175+ killed.

The crime this time is vague. All that is known about this terrorist act is that it come from ISIL. Also, the victims were cement works in Syria. Reasons for their killing is unknown. Maybe it was due to religious differences. Maybe it was because the cement workers were helping the enemies of ISIS.

(7) January 2017 – Kandahar (Afghanistan).

43 killed.

The shooting was done by Taliban targeting police officers. While 16 police officers in total were killed, the attack killed another 27 civilians.

Collateral damage is something regularly seen in terrorist attacks. Think about bombing techniques for a second. Bombing is about causing as much damage to the environment as possible. While it does have select targets, it cares not for the innocent.

We added this to the list to make sure you never forget the Taliban. It’s been a center of Western media discussions for years before the appearance of ISIL. Just because America isn’t in Afghanistan anymore doesn’t mean that the organization is gone.

It’s still there, and so is Al-Qaeda.

Those were Just Minor Incidents from a Long List of Attacks.

There are 100s of terrorist attacks that have occurred throughout the past 5 years. This list was simply a highlight of some of them.

With the continuing rise of terrorism around the world, we believe more are to come. They’ll affect the entire world, but they’ll be concentrated in areas where access by Islamists is easy.

Combat Terrorism by Spreading Awareness.

The best way to combat terrorism is to inform the world of the expansion of extremist influences.

Hand this article over to people in your circle. Let them know how serious the problem is.

After all, the attacks won’t stop anytime soon. There will be more to come, striking every part of the world.

The only way to put a halt on such extremism is pressure on governments to react. This pressure will come only from people who are aware of the problem, not ignorant to it. Also, the last thing we need is for the pressure to come from another event like that of Paris 2015.

Do you want to watch 100s of peaceful citizens dying to self-righteous lunatics?

I bet no one does.

So why not share this article now?

Main Image Source : Pixabay

Also See : What Would You Do If Internet Disappeared? (Top 10 Things That Would Change Forever)

Possible Solutions to the Current UK Terrorism Situation

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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