
5 Movies Starring Peter O Toole to Watch

Best Movies With Peter O Toole as Lead Actor

Here is our list of movies starring Peter O Toole that we are sure you will enjoy.

Peter O Toole Mini Bios

Born: August 2, 1932

Peter O’Toole, a leading man with extraordinary talents, was born and raised in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, the son of Constance Jane Eliot (Ferguson), a Scottish nurse, and Patrick Joseph O’Toole, an Irish metal plater, football player, and bookmaker at the racecourse.

Peter O Toole Best Movies List

For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada

Year: 2012

Director: Dean Wright

This is the story of the Cristeros War (1926-1929) fought by the people of Mexico against the atheistic Mexican government.

Dean Spanley

Year: 2008

Director: Toa Fraser

As a man who does not trust men from the colonies and always has stiff upper lips, Fisk Senior has little affection for his son. But when the pair visit an eccentric Indian, Fisk Senior finds his heart when they embark on a strange journey.


Year: 2007

Director: Matthew Vaughn

A young man promises his beloved that he will retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical world.


Year: 2006

Director: Roger Michell

When a brash teenager meets a pair of veteran actors, their lives are turned upside down.


Year: 2005

Director: Charles Sturridge

In the midst of a financial crisis, a family is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog. Lassie escapes hundreds of miles from her family and sets out for home.

The Best Movies Starring Peter O Toole

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Peter O Toole, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed starring Peter O Toole.

More Movies: 5 Movies Starring Sidney Poitier to Watch

Dave P
Dave P
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