
Naracoorte Caves National Park

Naracoorte Caves National Park is a national park located near Naracoorte. It is situated in the Limestone Coast Tourist region in the south east Australia. Officially, this national park was recognized in the year 1994. It is well known for its extensive and remarkable fossil record. Interestingly, this site was named in the World Heritage List along with Riversleigh in the same year. Naracoorte Caves National Park is full of remnant vegetation. It comprises of 26 caves which are surrounded within the area of 3.05 square kilometers World Heritage Area.

What Makes The Caves of Naracoorte Caves National Park Special?

The caves at the Naracoorte Caves National Park acted like pitfall traps as well as owl roosting sites. They happened to have collected the animals for around 500,000 years. These caves preserve the wholesome fossil record including that of the ice age as well as the arrival of the humans in this area. They also have the record of the iconic Megafauna of Australia which existed for about 60,000 years ago. The bones of these Megafauna species have been encountered in the fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves National Park.

Camping And Accommodation:

The camping and accommodation at the Naracoorte Caves National Park is a great idea. Why? Because your camping experience wouldn’t be like any other random camping experience here. There is bevy of things that you can see and do at this national park. The fossil record is magnificent and amusing. You can take a view of the beautiful and unique native plants. You can walk the green and picturesque walking trails. You can encounter the Australian animals at every location of this national park. The experience is altogether adventurous. Further, the accommodation facilities at this national park are decent. Various accommodations have been made available for the visitors. A campfire pit is also available.

While you are down south take some time to explore Clare Valley – South Australia

Main Image Source : Pexels

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Dave P
Dave P
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