
Nurturing Mares: A Guide to Supplements for Equine Health

When talking about horse care, mares are super important. You need to look after them because they are special animals. It’s important to know what mares need at different times in their life. Supplements can help mares stay healthy, but it’s important to use them properly. This guide will talk about horse food, the kinds of supplements, and how they help mares.

Understanding Equine Nutrition

Horses, mares included, eat special food based on their age, what they do, and their life stage. Here are the basics of horse food:

Basic Nutritional Requirements for Mares

Mares, like all horses, need the right food to be healthy. Carbs give them energy, proteins help their muscles, and fats keep them well. Mares get these from grass and grain, and it’s important that they eat good hay or grass mostly and sometimes grain if they need more.

Nutritional Differences for Pregnant Mares

Mares need different food at different times. When they’re going to have a baby, they need more food like calories, protein, and some minerals for the baby to grow well. Mares that aren’t pregnant or given milk need the right amount of food to keep their weight good.

Common Nutritional Differences in Mares

Sometimes, mares don’t get all the things they need from their food. They might not get enough of things like vitamin E, selenium, copper, zinc, and manganese. Vitamin E helps their muscles, and copper, zinc, and manganese are important for them to be healthy and have strong bones.

Types of Equine Supplements

Taking care of your horse’s health is super important. These range from important vitamins and stuff for good bones and digestion to natural options. Here are some tips to help you pick the right one based on your horse’s age and type.

Picking the Right Supplement for Your Mare

Choosing a supplement for your mare isn’t the same for every horse. Pick based on her age, how active she is, and her health.

Supplements for Different Breeds and Ages

Different types of horses need different foods, and mares of different ages have special needs, too. For example, an Arabian mare needs different things than a big draft mare. It’s important to know these things to keep your mare healthy all her life.

Pregnancy and Lactation Supplements

When a mare is pregnant or nursing her foal, she needs special care. This means she might need extra vitamins and other nutrients. The following tips help both the mare and her baby stay healthy.

Importance of Supplement During Pregnancy

Pregnant mares’ bodies need to support their growing baby and keep themselves healthy. Sometimes, their food might not have all the nutrients they need. These are extra vitamins and minerals that mares can eat. Some important ones are folic acid, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Supplements for Lactating Mares

Nursing mares also need extra nutrition to make milk for their foal. Some mares might need more energy, protein, and vitamins like vitamin A. This helps with milk-making and keeps both the mare and foal well.

Balancing the Mare’s Needs

It’s important to give the right amount of food and supplements to mares. Too much or too little can be a problem, so it’s a good idea to talk to a vet or horse nutrition expert. Checking the mare’s weight and how she looks can also help. It also checks that her baby is growing right. Adjustments can be made based on these checks.

Joint and Mobility Supplements

Keeping a mare healthy means looking after her ability to move easily, especially if she’s used for breeding or shows. Here are some of the common issues they might face:

Joint Health in Mares

Knowing about joint health in mares is key to keeping them healthy overall. These joints go through a lot, mainly if the mare does activities like breeding or performing. They are made up of a joint capsule, synovial fluid, cartilage, and ligaments. These parts are super important for activities like running, breeding, and supporting extra weight when the mare is pregnant.

One important part of a healthy joint is the synovial fluid. As mares get older or do a lot of hard work, this fluid can get less effective, which can cause joint problems. Also, some horse breeds might have more joint issues than others. So, knowing about your mare’s breed and her own needs is really important for keeping her joints healthy for a long time.

Digestive Health Supplements

Mares have a unique and sensitive stomach. It’s good to know what problems might happen and how certain added foods, called supplements, can help. Here is a dive into these supplements:

The Equine Digestive System and Potential Issues

For a healthy mare, it’s important to understand her stomach. Mares have a special stomach for breaking down plants, but they can have issues like colic or blockages. These issues can be serious, so a good diet, regular feeding, and enough water are vital.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

For a mare’s stomach health, good bacteria and their food (probiotics and prebiotics) are useful. These can keep the stomach balanced, especially when the mare is stressed or eating different foods.

Ulcer Prevention and Treatment

Many mares can get stomach sores, especially if they’re stressed. To prevent them, give lots of plant-based food, keep things calm, and feed regularly. If sores happen, vets might give certain medicines.

Supplements for Addressing Digestive Issues

Mares can have different stomach problems, and some supplements, like ones with aloe vera, can ease mild pain. If you’re thinking of giving your mare a supplement, it’s important to talk to a vet to get the right one.

Herbal and Natural Supplements

More and more people are using natural supplements to keep their horses healthy. They want to care for their horses in ways that are close to nature. Here’s a look at why these supplements are getting popular and how they help:

The Popularity of Herbal and Natural Supplements

Many horse owners like these supplements because they seem natural and soft on the horse’s body. They fit with a way of taking care of horses that is good for the whole planet.  These natural products can help with many health problems. They can calm a nervous horse, make them less likely to get sick and make their coats shiny.

Herbal Supplements and Their Uses

There are many kinds of natural supplements for horses. Alternative to Regu-mate for mares include chamomile, which can make them feel relaxed. This is helpful when they might be nervous during things like shows or when they have babies.

Devil’s Claw is a plant that helps with pain and swelling. It’s a natural option instead of some medicines that might cause side effects. Milk thistle helps horses with liver problems. It’s good for horses that might have been around harmful chemicals.

Safety in Making Choices

Giving extra supplements to mares is good for horse care. To keep your mare healthy, it’s important to know the risks. Think about how it works with other medicines and talk to a vet to help you decide the best for your horse’s health.



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