
Oxytocin: 6 Tricks To Boost This Hormone

Ways To Increase Oxytocin Levels

The bulk of individuals still have a rudimentary comprehension of hormones and the world in which they exist. It is true that in recent years, the most modern medical specialists have done a significant amount of educational work in order to illustrate how hormones impact humans, and more specifically, how they affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. This is something that has been done in order to show how hormones affect human reproduction. Although we indeed have the ability to regulate the amount of hormones that enter our body and also to promote the most helpful hormones, we can’t control the effect that some hormones have on our bodies. The hormone oxytocin, which is often connected with labor and delivery, is where the majority of our attention is focused (it is applied to provoke it if there is a risk to the baby or the mother, or when 42 weeks have passed without it being triggered naturally). In point of fact, it has been referred to as “the hormone of love,” and in addition to that, it has a wide variety of beneficial properties.

Tricks To Boost Oxytocin

The well-known psychiatrist discusses the changes that can be made on the inside of our bodies that will assist us in being able to produce oxytocin. Both of these factors have the ability to make us either sad or happy. To be more exact, oxytocin is responsible for a range of consequences, some of which include emotions of pleasure, well-being, and affectivity.

How exactly may oxytocin levels be increased to ensure that the brain functions as it should?

  1. Consume foods such as chocolate, rosemary, parsley, mint, and thyme since they are known to boost the production of oxytocin.
  2. Meditate.
  3. Perform activities that promote wellbeing, such as yoga, tai chi, or Pilates.
  4. Take in some tunes, break out your best singing voice, or engage in any number of other creative pursuits.
  5. Hugs, meaningful sexual relationships, gentle touches, etc. are all examples of physical contact.
  6. Both laugh and weep. Both. Although they may seem to be two opposing circumstances at first glance, they are both freeing activities that bring about a sense of serenity and comfort.

In times of stress, worry, and uncertainty, engaging in these activities helps to counteract the production of cortisol that occurs as a result of having unpleasant sentiments.


The hormone oxytocin is often connected with labor and delivery. It has been referred to as “the hormone of love,” and in addition to that, it has a broad variety of beneficial properties. Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for feelings of pleasure, well-being, and affectivity. These activities counter the production of cortisol that occurs as a result of having unpleasant sentiments.

Also See: Spring Allergies: 5 Tips To Avoid

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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