
Procrastination – 7 Steps To Cure Yourself To Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating Calm Down and Live in the Moment

You can’t seem to persuade yourself to do the things you know you should or want to accomplish.

When you delay, you end up focusing on minor details rather than broader, more essential ones. All of our options appear to be there in front of us at times, but we can’t seem to grasp them. Procrastination is a waste of time that could be used for something more important. If you can overcome this formidable foe, you will be able to do more and better utilise the chances that life provides.

Procrastination may have a huge influence on your career, your grades, and your life, whether you’re putting off finishing a work project, avoiding homework assignments, or disregarding domestic tasks.

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An equation is formed to make this more understandable:

Motivation = (Expectancy * Value) / (Impulsiveness * Delay)

●    Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind individuals achieving their objectives. Consider people who are committed to losing weight: the more driven they are, the more likely they will succeed. Motivation has an impact on employee productivity, quality, and speed of work.

●    Expectancy

Expectancy relates to how confident you are in your ability to complete the task and receive the reward.

●    Value

Individual ideas that push people to act in one way or another are referred to as values. They act as a set of guidelines for human behaviour. People are often prone to accept the ideals with which they were nurtured.

●    Impulsiveness

Impulsivity refers to the tendency to behave without thinking, such as when you say something without thinking, buy something you didn’t want to, or rush across the street without looking. This type of conduct is widespread, especially among adolescents and teens, and it isn’t always an indication of problems.

●    Delay

To postpone, make late, or halt for a period is to delay. The longer the wait, the more prone you are to postpone since the payoff appears to be further away.

Expectancy and value are directly related to motivation, thus the objective is to maximise them. Meanwhile, because impulsivity and delay are inversely linked to motivation, you want to reduce them.

7 Steps On How To Combat Procrastination

1.   Break Down The Steps

Breaking down major goals into smaller chores is the first step in overcoming procrastination. Smaller jobs will appear to be simpler to do, increasing our equation’s expectation. These little activities will be easier to do if they are given a deadline. To arrange and track this chronology, we may utilise a variety of tools.

2.   Keep The Tasks Small

The beginning of every job is the most difficult portion. We can utilise the Pomodoro Technique to get past this stumbling block. We should work in 25-minute chunks with a 5-minute rest between each block, according to this. We should concentrate on only one modest job throughout each block. We will become demotivated if we tell ourselves that we need to devote 5 hours to complete a task. However, if we tell ourselves that we only have 25 minutes to finish this minor work, we are more likely to complete it. This strategy will assist us in remaining focused while also increasing our optimism.

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3.   Set The Bar Low

To combat procrastination, it’s a good idea to break down big goals into smaller ones.

This has a simple explanation: taking on a little chunk of a project is always less frightening than taking on the entire thing.

Break down each task on your to-do list into manageable portions. As you finish each tiny task, you’ll start to feel a sense of accomplishment. You’ll be able to unwind knowing that you’re on your way to finishing that big project.

Set deadlines and time restrictions for each mini-goal as you construct your list. Using a time-tracking tool can help you figure out which chores take up the most time and where you’re squandering time throughout the day.

4.   Create Pleasure from The Experience Of Studying

You have the tenacity, strength, and drive to triumph on occasion. All you have to do now is support this behaviour.

Reward yourself for fighting the urge to procrastinate and finishing a task in the future. Encourage the behaviours you want to see more of. There’s not a whole lot else to say about it. The ideas described below might assist you in maintaining your good habits. They are beneficial in my personal life. Simply copy and paste them into your word processing document.

  • Internal self-praise is a good habit to get into. If you catch yourself doing something good, give yourself a mental pat on the back, such as a quiet ‘Atta boy!’ Recognize that you succeeded in some way. Don’t brush it aside as though it were nothing.
  • Make a list of your accomplishments. Simply jot down your minor victories, no matter how insignificant they may seem. This ensures that you remember them and don’t forget about them.
  • Substitute a different reward. Many healthy and pleasant practices (such as meditation, exercise, and excellent eating) have long-term benefits, making them undesirable to our crave-for-instant-gratification brains. That is why we must replace long-term benefits (greater health, longevity, and so on) with short-term ones. When you’ve completed thirty minutes of exercise, treat yourself with a great smoothie or protein drink, or watch some TV.

Finally, the positive feelings engendered by self-praise and other incentives seep back into the endeavour. You can learn to identify chores or work in general with something pleasant by combining effort with incentives.

5.   Use Parkinson’s Law To Your Advantage

According to Parkinson’s Law, labour expands to occupy the time assigned to it. So, if we set aside 2 hours to perform a work that can be completed in 30 minutes, we will spend the full 2 hours on it. Setting artificial deadlines that drive us to finish our tasks can help solve this problem. These false deadlines reduce the amount of time in the equation, which reduces procrastination. However, we must be cautious about setting unrealistic timetables. They should not boost our stress levels, as this will reduce our motivation.

6.   Be Deliberate With Your Study Environment

Distractions are a significant element in procrastination. Rather than relying on pure willpower to overcome distractions, we may do so by creating a distraction-free work atmosphere. This reduces the amount of impulsivity in the motivation equation. We should turn off our phones and work in full-screen mode. If working from home becomes too distracting, we might seek refuge in a library or a coffee shop.

7.   Understand Your Personality

Some people thrive under time constraints, word counts, or page targets. For others, these boundaries might be a source of anxiety. They should choose whether to write a chapter or another page.

Understanding oneself is a big component of maximising one’s own life, whether it’s productivity, study habits, food, exercise, or anything else. Some people find it simpler to start with the most difficult chores. Others like to do all of the easier tasks first before tackling the more challenging jobs. Determine whatever strategy works best for you and make a clear plan of attack for your to-do list.

Say Goodbye To Procrastinating!

If you don’t get rid of procrastination, your aspirations will perish. The 7 actions outlined in this post are only useful if you follow them religiously for at least ten to fifteen days to notice results. We are confident that following these methods will assist you in overcoming procrastination.

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