The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Book Review
The thing I liked about the book– The book is different from other self-help books. This is based on the concept that one needs to accept the Self and improve one’s skills.
There are many common problems that a person faces, like chronic back pain, insomnia, fear of public speaking, and relationship conflict. The author suggests and opines not to delay or avoid problems. Instead, the person must think in terms of emotional therapy or healing. This can be done by a mechanism of establishing a new relationship to one’s an internal experience.
Chapter 1 throws light on possibilities for change and enumerates the traits one needs to follow as stages of acceptance.
- Aversion- resistance
- Curiosity- turning towards discomfort with interest
- Tolerance- safely enduring
- Allowing- let the feeling come and go
- Friendship – seeing the hidden value
The relations between accepting and self-compassion; the person feels or thinks thought this is accepting. Self-compassion can be defined as acceptance of the person to whom it is happening.
Chapter 2 suggests a person ground oneself on Mindfulness. The best way in which one can do this is by fixing and concentrating on the breathing process. This is an excellent way to control emotions and to look inwards.
In chapter 3, the author elaborates by giving an example; when one is experiencing stress, internal events result in an escalation of disturbing thoughts and emotions. At such a time, the complex feelings can be controlled with softening, soothing and loving approach. Self-compassion can be an effective tool to control suffering, emotional healing, and nurture well being
Thus to conclude, one can say that the author has emphasised mindful self-compassion to defeat emotions and control one’s inner Self to have compassion as the effective tool with which one can come out with newer confidence.
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