
What Does The Term Woke Police Mean?

In recent years, the term woke police has been used to describe law enforcement officials who are aware of and sensitive to racial inequalities in society. This is a positive change: it can be difficult for white people to realize that they benefit from systemic racism because they occupy a position of privilege, but as more police officers become aware of their own social positions, they can guard against bias in their own work. There have been some concerns raised about the use of this term though and its origins may surprise you.

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Defining Woke Police

The term ‘woke police’ refers to a group of individuals who are both woke and police. Woke is a term that describes an awareness and understanding of the world around you, particularly in relation to social issues like race and inequality.

Police is an umbrella term for all law enforcement personnel. It includes officers, deputies, detectives etc.

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When The Phrase Woke Police Was First Used

The phrase woke police began to be used in the early 2000s, around the time that police brutality began to increase on a national level. The term was initially used in reference to individual officers who had become aware of the systemic issues within policing and were fighting against them. It wasn’t until later that it was adopted as an official term for officers who had been trained on diversity issues and became more aware of how their actions could impact minority groups.

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Other Terms Related To Woke Police

You may have heard the term “woke bae” in reference to a person who is aware of social injustices and actively works to correct them. While it’s not necessarily related, it’s often used in the same sentence as woke police.

Woke bae is similar to woke police because they’re both terms that describe someone who is educated on social issues, but they can also be used as an adjective to describe something that has been deemed socially responsible or ethical by an individual or group. For example, if you see someone wearing clothes made from fair trade materials, you might say they’re “woke clothing.”

Why The Term Woke Police is Problematic

The term “woke police” was first used in the late 20th century. It is used to describe police officers who are aware of the social injustices that plague our society and work hard to fight for a fairer and more equitable world. However, this isn’t always enough. As we’ve seen time and time again, there are some police officers who have been accused of abusing their power by targeting people of color or other marginalized groups for no good reason other than racism.

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The term woke police has always been controversial. There are those who argue it’s a way to delegitimize police officers and undermine their ability to do their job well by claiming they are racist. Others say that the term woke police is used as an excuse to commit crimes but also serves as a way for people who commit crimes to justify their actions because they believe law enforcement is biased against certain groups based on race or ethnicity.

Regardless of which side you’re on, there’s no denying that this term has become popular over the past decade or so because it reflects a movement towards recognizing injustice in our society today.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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