
What is the Passing Score for the CCDE Written Exam?


Are you an IT professional looking to elevate your career in network design and architecture? Then the Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE) certification is a must-have for you! But before obtaining this prestigious title, you’ll need to pass the CCDE written exam. One of the most important questions on every candidate’s mind is, “What is the passing score for the CCDE written exam?” In this blog post, we will dive deep into this topic and provide tips on how to prepare for success on test day. So sit back, relax, and let’s get started!

What is the CCDE written exam?

The Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE) written exam is a crucial step toward becoming a certified expert in network design and architecture. This certification validates the knowledge and skills required to create innovative solutions that meet business requirements.

The ccde written exam 400-007 dumps your understanding of advanced concepts related to network infrastructure, security, virtualization, automation, and cloud computing. It covers topics like network design methodologies, protocols such as BGP and OSPF, QoS mechanisms, VPN technologies, and much more.

One of the most challenging aspects of this exam is its format: it consists entirely of scenario-based questions that require extensive analysis and critical thinking. You’ll need to demonstrate your ability to evaluate complex networking problems from different perspectives while taking into account business needs.

Candidates must score at least 80% on the CCDE written exam to pass. The passing score may vary slightly depending on specific exams but remains relatively consistent across different versions.

The CCDE written exam demands a high level of technical expertise along with excellent problem-solving skills. If you’re considering taking this test soon or planning for it in the future – make sure you prepare thoroughly!

The passing score for the CCDE written exam

The passing score for the CCDE written exam is not a fixed number. The exam is scored on a scale of 300 to 1000, with a minimum passing score of 860. This means that you need to answer at least 60% of the questions correctly in order to pass.

It’s important to note that the passing score can vary from one administration of the exam to another, depending on factors such as question difficulty and candidate performance. However, Cisco strives to maintain consistency in scoring across different versions of the exam.

In addition, it’s worth noting that achieving just the minimum passing score may not be enough to earn your CCDE certification. The CCDE program uses a holistic approach that takes into account your experience and skills as well as your performance on both the written and practical exams.

Therefore, it’s crucial to prepare thoroughly for the CCDE written exam by studying all relevant topics and taking practice tests. This will help ensure that you have a strong foundation of knowledge and are able to perform well under pressure during the actual test.

How to prepare for the CCDE written exam

Preparing for the CCDE written exam requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips to help you get started.

First, it’s important to understand the format of the exam and its content. Review the official CCDE Exam Topics document to gain an understanding of what will be covered on the exam.

Next, create a study plan that works for you. Some people prefer studying in short intervals each day while others may dedicate larger blocks of time on weekends or days off. Whatever your preference, make sure your study schedule is consistent and achievable.

One effective way to prepare for this exam is by taking practice tests. These tests can provide insight into areas where you need improvement and help build confidence before test day.

Additionally, consider joining online forums or study groups with other CCDE candidates. This can offer valuable support from individuals who are going through the same process as you.

Make sure to prioritize self-care during your preparation period including adequate sleep and exercise routines designed around stress relief techniques such as yoga or meditation.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared for success on your upcoming CCDE written exam.


Passing the CCDE written exam is not an easy feat. However, with proper preparation and understanding of what it entails, one can successfully pass the exam. It’s important to note that different people may have varying methods of preparation that work for them. As such, it’s crucial to find a study technique that works best for you.

Remember to focus on understanding concepts rather than memorization since this will help you answer questions more accurately during the exam. Additionally, don’t forget to take practice tests as they are an excellent way of assessing your knowledge level and identifying areas where you need improvement.

Keep in mind that certification opens doors in the IT industry and sets you apart from other job applicants who lack it. Good luck on your journey towards becoming a certified Cisco Certified Design Expert click this url:!

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