
Whole Food and Healthy Food To Try In Australia 2023

Best Australian Whole Food and Healthy Food for 2023

When it is concerning health, you can bet that the Australians are very conscientious about it. They take care of their health needs with their regular outdoor activities and their love for the great outdoors. It is in their culture and one can fault them for being health conscious. But you cannot fault Australians for not trying to overcome any health-related issue which is afflicted by our modern ways of living. Often called the lifestyle diseases, Australia as a whole are making revolutionary changes in their eating habits in order to get around lifestyle diseases and unhealthy food easily available in any supermarket chains world over. Part of this effort includes paying close attention to global packaging in food processing, ensuring healthier options are more accessible. These changes reflect a broader trend of prioritizing health and sustainability in food choices.

For this very reason, you will find many Australians turning into vegans and experimenting with the vegetarian way of eating. But we are not going to focus on vegan lifestyle but on Australian eating habits of taking in whole and healthy food which is being practised by average Australians on a daily basis. It is to get information about this eating habit change as part of the daily routine of Australians that we are going to focus on. Here you can find the best Australian whole food and healthy food for 2023.

1.Whole Food Debate

What exactly is this Whole Food business? Is Vegan Food is the other name for Whole Food? We need to first settle this issue before we can understand the changes that Australians are undertaking in their eating habits. Being Vegan and eating Vegan Food is a lifestyle and life philosophy statement which means you will not eat anything which is not a plant form, not touch dairy products or eggs and abstain from making animals into a commodity for any purpose. On the other hand, Whole Food practitioners only make lifestyle changes in their eating habits so that their daily intake of food is healthy. So it should not be confused with a diet plan of any sorts. It is a conscious lifestyle change of planning to eat food items which are wholesome and healthy for one’s body so that we can live a happier life away from most of the lifestyle diseases. Yes, Whole Food is mostly plant-based but it nowhere means that dairy and animal-based food are taboo.
In the common parlance though when we say Whole Food we generally mean Whole Food Plant-Based. Whether plant-based or not, whole food is food which is closest to its natural form and is totally opposite in spectrum to the processed food that we buy in super glitzy packets from supermarkets and junk food from global food chains. Within this spectrum, we need to balance our eating habits to get the maximum benefits from the food we eat and stay away from the health-damaging effects of super processed and junk food. In the process of processing food, it gets fragmented and stripped of many of its original healthy elements and gets supplemented with dangerously unhealthy saturated fats, refined sugar, salt and chemicals.

2. Eating Habit Changes in Australia

Whole Foods are those naturally occurring food items which are made available to us in their natural form with no processing or just enough processing in order to make them fit for human consumption. Whole food items are also grown in a natural process with natural fertilizers and pesticides, in contrast to chemical pumping of plants with factory-made fertilizers and pesticides. Australians are trying to get as close to whole food consumption as is possible. While it may not be practically possible to totally avoid processed food, but Australians are making a conscious effort to shun as much processed food as is socially possible by making some lifestyle eating habit changes. The following changes in eating habits have been observed in Australia amongst average Australians:-
 Emphasis on minimally processed healthy foods and naturally occurring whole foods
 Avoiding or limiting animal products for eating purposes.
 A major portion of the daily diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, seeds, legumes, nuts and whole grain.
 Banishing refined foods like white flour added refined sugar and processed oils from the daily diet.
 Procuring locally sourced organic food whenever and wherever possible, while paying increased attention to the quality of food available in supermarkets.

3. Whole Food Available in Australian Markets

In Australia, if you are looking to eat healthy and whole-food, you will find the following in any supermarket.
 All fresh vegetables including carrots, avocados, squash, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, radishes and cucumbers.
 All fresh fruits and dried fruits such as apples, oranges, pears, grapes, watermelons, and bananas
Dairy products without the use of chemical flavours and added sugar.
Meat, fish and poultry which is either baked, grilled, roasted or just boiled.
Wholegrain rice, bulgar wheat, faro, quinoa, barley and rolled oats.
Legumes and beans such as lentils, lima beans, kidney beans, chick beans and split beans.
Seeds and nuts which are not salted like almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds and linseeds.

4. Whole Food Eating Habits in Australia

Today Australians are swapping unhealthy eating habits with healthy one by making small decisions on their breakfast tables. For example, they are brushing aside sugary breakfast cereals and opting for porridge with berries and banana added. In snacking they are eschewing muesli bar with a scoop of mixed nuts. Instead of using white bread, Australians are switching to wholegrain bread. They are replacing fruit juice with the fruit itself. In non-vegetarian diet, they are saying goodbye to ham and other processed meat and adopting roast chicken and pork. The following items of whole food are getting into the shopping list of an average Australian:-
Fruits such as berries, pears, citrus fruits, peaches, bananas and pineapples.
Vegetables such as kale, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, carrots, cauliflowers, asparagus, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and potatoes.
 Whole grain such as brown rice, brown rice pasta, farro, rolled oats and barley,
Fats in the form of avocados, coconut oil, olive oil and unsweetened coconut.
Legumes such as peas, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, and peanuts.
Seeds and nuts including nut butter such as almonds, macadamia nuts, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, tahini and peanut butter naturally prepared.
Plant-based unsweetened milk such as coconut milk, cashew milk and almond milk.
Herbs and spices such as basil leaves, turmeric powder, rosemary, and black pepper.
Condiments such as salsa, nutritional yeast, mustard, soy sauce, lemon juice and vinegar.
 Protein plant-based such as tofu and tempeh.
In beverages, it is tea, coffee and sparkling water.
You will be pleasantly surprised to note that Australians are eschewing animal products in their food. When they use animal products in their diet, they are used as a supplement to their plant-based whole food. Another noticeable change in their food habit as far as the use of animal products are concerned, Australians are soucing such products from the local firms or from local grocery stores. Now the following unwritten rules are being followed by an average Australian household when choosing animal products of quality:-
 Pasteur raised eggs, if possible.
 Free-range poultry and organic if possible.
 Pastured beef and pork, if possible.
 Wild-caught seafood from fisheries, if possible.
 Dairy products which are organic from animals raised in pasters, if possible.

5. What Food Australians are Avoiding

Today Australians are avoiding products which are floor-based. They are consciously avoiding boxed cereals and refined grains and refined sugars including syrups. They are saying no to sugary foods like cakes, biscuits, pastries, canned drinks and numerous sports drinks. Many energy bars and chocolate bars, candies and sweets have vanished from the daily use of Australians. Cereals and breakfast choices of packed bars are a thing of the past in Australia. Foods which are known to cause health problems are being shunned by the health-conscious Australians. They are showing the way to healthy eating and healthy living to the world.

6. Healthy Food Meal and Snack Ideas of Australians

In the march to inculcating healthy eating habits, Australians are inventing new ideas for all their meals, divorced from their traditional ideas of such meals. Here let us preview one of these effective healthy eating ideas of the Australians for meals and snacks that we can take home.
For breakfast – eggs, cottage cheese, whole grain bread, yoghurt and fruits.
For lunch- Salad comprising of own choice veggies and protein, whole grain bread sandwiches, avocado laced Burrito bowl and Brown rice with stir-fried entrée or curry.
For dinner – Roasted veggies with a piece of meat or fish; whole-grain pasta with vegetables sprinkled by tomato sauce freshly made; roasted squash, portabello mushroom or eggplant spread over salad; and soup homemade.
For snacks – fruits like apples, melon, pears, grapefruit, dried fruit and oranges; nuts like pistachios, cashews, almonds, nut butters and trail mix; whole food ingredients based snack bars; dairy products like hard-boiled eggs, yoghurt and cheese; vegetables like kale chips, avocado, carrots, bell pepper, celery and zucchini; beans like black beans, hummus, lentils and edamame; preserved meats like smoked salmon, charcuterie, jerky and sardines( in very small quantities).
Sweets for occasional indulgence – dark chocolate, dried fruit, herbal teas, juice spritzer, fruit or nut bars with honey and yoghurt with honey.
Beverages – sparkling water, coffee, milk from dairy or almond or coconut, and tea, coconut water, unsweetened fruit or veg juices, whole food ingredients based smoothies.
Alcohol – straight liquors, wine, beer. Idea is to lean to simple drinks and avoid cocktails and liquors laced with refined sugar.


Australia is fast shifting towards a healthy way of eating in a more natural way so as to benefit from the goodness of natural foods. Towards that end, whole food adoption in Australian diet is providing healthy food to its locals. The tectonic shifts in eating habits of Australians have been noticed of which some have been mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. You can take a leaf out of it or visit Australia to enjoy the best Australian whole food and healthy food.



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Dave P
Dave P
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