
Polka Dots Nail Art Design Tutorial

Step by Step Tutorial for Polka Dots Nail Art Design by Using Bob Pin

Polka dots nail art design by using Bob pin isn’t a great idea for lazy girls but also works perfectly when you are in hurry and wants stunning nail art done in less time.

Did you know that Bob pin can help you to have a stunning polka dots nail art design?

You must be surprised to know this easy fashion hack!

Figuring out how to easy way to have polka dots on your nails is one of the most searched queries.

You might be one of those who tried toothpick, pen and other tiny stuff to draw perfect dots but failed. The above picture shared on Pinterest says all that how you can have this demanding nail art without any hard efforts.

Here you go for step by step guide and things required for this each nail hack.

Things Required for Polka Dots Nail Art Design:

  • A bobby pin with round ends to draw polka dots
  • Two different colors of Nail Polish
  • Transparent Nail color for final lock

DIY Side Roses Nail Art Design

Steps to Follow:

  1. Apply base color with the simple nail polish brush. (Any of your favorite colors or matching with your dress)
  2. Let the base color dry properly so it won’t mess with dots color.
  3. Take a bobby pin, dip the round end into the second color of your choice and shape the dots on the nail with enough distance.
  4. Leave it for few moments so it can dry.
  5. Lock your design by applying transparent nail color.
  6. Done!

Colors Recommendations:

Light and dark works great together such as:

  • Black base and white dots or White base and black dots.
  • Red & White
  • Royal Blue & White
  • Navy Blue and White
  • Sky Blue and Black
  • Yellow and Black
  • Baby Pink and Black

One can simply choose any two colors from her dress. And, having a single color dress. A perfect combination can be made with help of Black or White accordingly as per dress color.

Having multi-color polka dots on a stunning single color base works great.

Don’t forget to share if you are a lazy girl or a busy girl 😀 We would love to hear from you!

Main Image Source : Pixabay

Also See : Color Settings – Digital Photo – White Balance

7 Simple Nail Art Design Ideas for Absolute Beginners

Salma Noreen
Salma Noreen
I am Salma Noreen from Attock, Pakistan. After completing MBA Finance & Marketing, I continued towards MIT, so I’m have not only expertise and skills in IT but also in Accounts and Marketing. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious. The Curiosity about learning new technologies, is gifted, I believe. I have always followed my curiosity, and I always do what I love to do, and that’s the reason behind my success in field of Web Application Programming, Internet Marketing, Security Enhancement, and SEO Consultancy.


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