
10 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

10 Natural Ways to Induce Labor– Usually, mother nature decides when your unborn baby will get to see the outer world. However, sometimes, it seems to take a longer time than your due date. When something like this happens, most women want to induce labor after the 40th week of their pregnancy.

Every pregnant woman whose due date has long passed tries to coax her baby out for two main reasons:

  • She is suffering from extreme pregnancy fatigue.
  • She cannot wait to see her baby.

If your due date has also passed and you want to see your baby as soon as possible. Here are some natural ways to induce labor at home. Remember that these methods have little scientific support, and you must consult your doctor before trying the following techniques.

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Natural Ways to Induce Labor at Home

If you search the internet, you will find many natural techniques for inducing labor abode. But few of these methods have some scientific support. This article will tell you about the most authenticated methods of inducing labor.


According to experts, sex is the most effective method to induce labor. You may wonder how does sex induce labor? Well, we have two solid reasons for that:

  1. Sex stimulates the release of a hormone known as oxytocin. When oxytocin is present in excessive amounts, it triggers uterine contractions.
  2. Sex also helps induce labor by providing your body with prostaglandin. This hormone is found in semen and softens your cervix to prepare it for delivery.

Another essential benefit of sex during late pregnancy is lessening your anxiety. However, you must consult your midwife or doctor if you want to have sex to induce labor.

Nipple Stimulation

Another efficient way to stimulate labor is nipple stimulation. It is an old technique, and according to some women, it proved effective for them. According to a study, 3 out of 16 women who massaged or twisted their nipples for an hour daily succeeded in stimulating labor within 3 days.

How does nipple stimulation work? When you massage your nipple continuously, your body releases oxytocin. Oxytocin, in turn, triggers uterine contractions, which induce labor.

Although to some extent, this technique is scientifically proven, you should ask for your doctor’s advice to try nipple stimulation. Furthermore, this method works for those women only who have a low-risk pregnancy.


Massage is also a suitable way of inducing labor naturally. This technique has long been used for this purpose. It is considered the best alternative to acupuncture or acupressure.

A type of massage known as induction massage is used explicitly to jump-start the labor. Induction massage helps induce labor in three ways:

  1. By decreasing the levels of stress hormones.
  2. By increasing the levels of oxytocin.
  3. By exciting specific points on your body meant to stimulate labor.

However, do not get a massage from an amateur, as only a licensed and expert massage therapist can give you an effective induction massage.

As with other methods, getting permission from your gynecologist for an induction massage is best.


Acupuncture is a thousand years old Chinese way of relieving pain or stress by penetrating fragile needles at specific points of the body.

Although there is very little scientific research on this topic, some women claim that this ancient technique has delivered positive results for them in inducing labor. In this method, hair-thin needles stimulate specific points on your body.

These points stimulate your nervous system to release certain chemicals that help stimulate labor. Furthermore, it is believed that acupuncture also softens and ripens your cervix to make labor easy and quick.

There are other advantages of pre-labor acupuncture too. This method also helps reduce common pregnancy symptoms like nausea, backache, and insomnia.

It would be best to wait for your doctor’s green signal before trying acupuncture for labor induction.

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Eating Dates 

Seems like an unbelievingly easy method for inducing labor? Some studies show an undeniable link between labor induction and daily consumption of dates.

According to experts, eating at least six dates daily for four weeks before your due date shortens the period of labor.

Dates are rich in fatty acids needed for the production of prostaglandins. Thus vital hormone plays an essential role in:

  • Enhancing contractions.
  • Making the cervix ripen and soft.
  • Accelerating delivery progress.
  • Ultimately, inducing labor.

More studies are needed to prove the efficiency of dates in the induction of labor.


Walking is a simple, easy and suitable way to induce labor. Although there are minimal scientific shreds of evidence about the potency of walking to induce labor, some women claim it proved beneficial.

How does walking induce labor? According to experts, walking helps bring your baby into the pelvis with the help of gravity. Once in the pelvis, the baby exerts pressure on the region, dilating the pelvis. This dilation then helps induce the labor.

While simple walking has no side effects, you can start trying this method without any concerns depending on your condition. However, if your doctor has already advised you to avoid walking, then do not go for it.


This is another sweetest way of inducing labor. This juicy, brown-skinned, and yellowish fruit is believed to stimulate labor.

Pineapple is rich in an enzyme known as bromelain. As per some studies, this hormone helps quicken the labor process if you have passed your due date. Bromelain does so by softening your cervix, which leads to dilation.

However, until now, no substantial evidence exists to prove the effectiveness of bromelain in inducing labor. But it would not hurt to give it a try. Would it?

Evening Primrose Oil  

If you want to use an oil for labor induction, then evening primrose oil might be a good choice.

According to some research, evening primrose oil is high in fatty acids that are converted by the body into prostaglandin, and we have already established the role of prostaglandin in inducing labor.

You can use evening primrose oil orally as well as vaginally. In both cases, it may help speed up delivery progress.

Using evening primrose oil vaginally is not tricky. All you have to do is either break the capsule to rub oil on the cervix or put the capsule into your vagina before going to sleep. A moist vaginal environment helps melt the capsules dispersing the gel. To prevent the leakage of oil, you can use a pad.

However, taking a piece of advice from your midwife or doctor is necessary before using the oil.

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One of the most popular foods to induce labor is garlic. Although, little research has been conducted to prove the effectiveness of garlic in stimulating labor pain.

However, according to some experts, garlic can speed up the process of labor. It is because garlic is excellent for emptying the intestine by facilitating the production of soft stools.

An empty intestine gives the fetus more space to move downwards, thus triggering the uterus to contract.

Furthermore, according to some studies, garlic is also suitable for preparing your body for fast delivery.

If you want to use garlic as a source of labor induction, ask your doctor first.

Spicy Foods

Spices and spicy foods have long been associated with labor induction. The idea behind this association is those spicy foods upset your gastrointestinal tract or GIT. Disturbed GIT triggers the onset of uterine contractions on irritation caused by spicy foods.

However, there is no scientific evidence to prove the idea. According to some experts, you should not try spicy foods because they certainly enhance the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

Therefore, if you are spice intolerant or suffer from heartburn during pregnancy, do not try spicy foods. Otherwise, get an opinion from your midwife before trying.

These 10 natural techniques to induce labor are carefully selected to save you from discomfort or health hazards. Even so, you need permission from your physician to go for any of the methods mentioned above.

Nonetheless, the best way to deliver your baby is to let mother nature decide.

Keep Reading: 10 Calcium-Rich Foods You Should Eat During Pregnancy

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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