
5 Best Call of Duty Games of All Time

Top 5 Best Call Of Duty Games

Since Call of Duty started in 2003, every year a new Call of Duty game has since been released. With the number of top games in this series to choose from, you can believe that this is quite the task to select the top 5 best Call of Duty games. You will have the cream of the crop of dystopian thrills released over the years.
Check out the best Call of Duty games to play

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1. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Maybe you expected the first to be at the top of the top 5 list of Call of Duty games to play, or maybe you thought Declassified will be the top? The best without argument is Modern Warfare which is by now a dystopian classic that is bursting to its seams with unforgettable missions that range from Charlie Don’t Surf, All Ghillied Up, Death from Above and so many more. It was released on November 5, 2007, and playable of Xbox 360, PC and PS3.
It is rather funny when you consider Modern Warfare is still based on 60-years ago WWII yet remaining fantastic, here you will be called Soap by your CO even though your name is actually Jackson. The weapons are more efficient than ever before with the action close to ridiculously bloody and fast. If you have time or money for only a single Call of Duty game, be sure to choose this one.

Buy Now : Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

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2. Call of Duty: Black Ops

With Black Ops changing to a Cold War in a Vietnam outing this time around, even though still set in the 60s make for an interesting change. Especially if you are familiar with any of the others in the series. It has amazing missions including a mission on a Vietnamese river where loads of carnage follow. It was released on November 9, 2010, and playable on DS, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Black Ops’ action is complemented with an amazing and coherent storyline. Here you will be a cold war operative called Alex Mason, who gets captured and tortured with enough electricity to power an entire village. You have over 15 missions that run from the Pentagon to Vietnamese jungles and town to a Cuban stronghold.

Buy Now : Call of Duty: Black Ops

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3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Usually, a second game in the release is worse than the first, but the developers certainly didn’t disappoint and the massive shoes it had to fill to beat the first Modern Warfare certainly were high on the agenda. In the second installment of Modern warfare, you are in the middle of a warzone having parachuted down in Afghanistan. Modern Warfare 2 was released on November 19, 2009 for play on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
In the midst of airstrikes, deserted streets and glowing ashes where there once were buildings, it is pure dystopia at its best. It’s an intense and tense game with utter silence before all hell breaks loose. You will be Joseph Allen fighting for survival, not aiming and firing but shooting blindly most of the time as survival instinct kicks in.

Buy Now : Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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4. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

In Advanced Warfare you are introduced in a dystopian near-future and if you thought it is possible to get franchise fatigue, think again! In Advanced Warfare futuristic tech is heavily incorporated. Cutting edge, new equipment and weaponry that ensure you are completely immersed into Advanced Warfare’s futuristic dystopian world. The game was released on November 4, 2014, and playable on numerous platforms like Xbox One, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and PS4.
Get enthralled by dramatic deaths when you smash enemies, massive explosions as you play as Mitchell. What makes Advanced Warfare simply awesome is that you will be in control of your character to such an extent that it will actually feel as if it is really YOU and not a character that you portray.

Buy Now : Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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5. Call of Duty: World At War

Still sticking to Pacific WW2 settings this game will remain in your memory and favourite playlist for a major reason which is the fight against Nazi Zombies. It is addictive, claustrophobic and tense as you fight for survival against swarming undead. The game was released on 14 November 2008.
It takes place both on the Eastern Front and Pacific. On the Pacific, it plays off on the islands of Okinawa, Peleliu and Makin while the Soviet campaign in Nazi Germany. You can choose your player camp, either American or Soviet and it plays off in 1942. An interesting factor is that in multiplayer mode you can choose to play with a partner or against him.

Buy Now : Call of Duty: World At War

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Final Thoughts

Everything has been taken into account to choose the top 5 best Call of Duty games. From visual fidelity, variety and depth of multiplayer, twists and turns, you name it, we considered it. This is your definite guide when dystopian warfare is high on your list of games to play. You will have to have your wits gathered or you will be killed repeatedly while you will be able to summon dogs to kill enemies when in multiplayer mode.

Fun Fact

What is Call of Duty ranked play?

New in Vanguard Ranked Play are Seasonal Skill Ratings, Divisions, and Tiers! Each Season, players will compete in five Skill Evaluation matches to earn a starting Skill Rating and Skill Division placement.

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Dave P
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