5 Movies Like Fresh to Watch
Best Movies Like Fresh
Here is our list of movies like Fresh that we are sure you will enjoy. About Fresh Throughout Brooklyn, New York, Fresh (Sean Nelson) is caught up in poverty, corruption, and racial tension.
Fresh Related Movies List
Year: 1995
Director: Spike Lee
During his spare time, Strike likes to hang out with his brothers near the benches outside the project houses when not playing with model trains or drinking Moo for his ulcer.
Alpha Dog
Year: 2006
Director: Nick Cassavetes
Claremont, California, 1999. Twenty-something middle-class kids, talking trash, waving guns and hanging out in packs.
Year: 2010
Director: Joel Schumacher
As a young drug dealer watches his life disintegrate, his best friend is arrested for the murder of his cousin.
Year: 2006
Director: Joe Roth
In the late evening hours of one evening, Brenda Martin, a thirty-seven year old Caucasian woman from the wrong side of the tracks, arrives at the Dempsy Medical Center in Dempsy, New Jersey with minor injuries, but she is also emotionally distraught.
Mean Streets
Year: 1973
Director: Martin Scorsese
Tony and Michael are destined for success — owning a neighborhood bar and making deals in New York City’s Little Italy.
The Best Movies Like Fresh
I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Fresh, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Fresh.
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