Best Movies Like Uploaded
Here is our list of Movies like Uploaded that we are sure you will enjoy. A well-known and successful TV prankster becomes the target of the ultimate prank after being falsely accused of killing someone.
Uploaded Related Movies List
Blade Runner 2049
Year: 2017
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Rick Deckard, a former Blade Runner who has been missing for thirty years, is located by young Blade Runner K after he unearths a long-buried secret.
Year: 2018
Director: Alex Garland
A biologist agrees to participate in a perilous, covert expedition into an enigmatic region where the laws of nature don’t exist.
Year: 2022
Director: Matthew Reilly
When a simultaneous coordinated attack puts the outlying missile interceptor station under the command of one Army captain in danger, she is forced to put her years of tactical training and military experience to use.
Year: 2016
Director: Denis Villeneuve
After twelve mysterious spacecraft start to appear all over the world, a linguist collaborates with the military to communicate with alien lifeforms.
The Matrix Resurrections
Year: 2021
Director: Lana Wachowski
Return to a world where there are two realities: the everyday world and what lies beyond it. To find out if his reality is a construct, to truly know himself, Mr. Anderson will have to choose to follow the white rabbit once more.
The Best Movies Like Uploaded
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