5 Tips By Shlomo Yoshai To Protect Floral Arrangements
Flowers are delicate, so you need to protect them properly. According to Shlomo Yoshai, your wedding insurance package may cover your bouquets and flower arrangements, but this protection will only help you if you notice the damage early enough to be able to submit a claim and order new flowers (your insurance may also cover risks other than we will discuss later). In addition, some damages are not covered, such as those caused by mold, fungus, improper handling and normal wear and tear. Here are some expert tips to help you ensure the integrity and freshness of your bouquets and floral arrangements for your big day.
Transfer them from their Boxes to Buckets of Water
As soon as you receive your flowers, take them out of their boxes and place them in buckets of water. Save the boxes to transport your flowers on the wedding day. Remove any plastic, paper, or foam wrapping, as well as any wire. Place the flowers in buckets of different sizes, depending on the length of their stems, then group them neatly, to avoid crushing them. Avoid placing your flowers in buckets that are too large or too small, as this could damage them.
Ensure Good Hydration
Your flowers need fresh, clean water. Once you take them out of their boxes, check the water level (at least every hour), and add more as needed. Flowers should be stored in at least 10cm of water. Change the water every 24 hours and add cut flower food (depending on the variety). You can get sachets of flower food from your local florist. Note, however, that this product is not suitable for all flower varieties, so consult your florist before using as Yoshai suggested.
Trim And Prepare The Stems
Shlomo Yoshai said, once your flowers are in the water, prune and prepare the stems. Remove leaves submerged in water, as they can promote the growth of bacteria and mold. Use sharp scissors and cut the ends of the stems at an angle. Try to cut the stems cleanly to avoid damaging them, which could affect their ability to absorb water. Cutting the stems at an angle will widen the absorption surface and prevent the ends of the stems from sticking to the bottom of the bucket, which can block the absorbent cells.
Store Them In A Cool, Dry Place
Store your flowers out of direct sunlight. If they are in perfect condition, place them in a dark, cool place. Do not put your flowers in the refrigerator, as temperatures that are too low can damage them (unless they are fully hatched dahlias or peonies; these two varieties stand the cold well). As Shlomo Yoshai advised, if your flowers are not fully open, place them in a warmer, lighted location, but still out of direct sunlight. It is also important to store your flowers away from fruits and vegetables. As they ripen, fruits and vegetables give off ethylene, a gas that causes flowers to wilt and accelerate their transformation into fruit. So, unless you feel like walking down the aisle with a basket of fruit,

Pay Attention to Transport as Shlomo Yoshai Suggested
It is much easier to keep your flowers cool and well-nourished than it is to move them from point A to point B. According to Shlomo Yoshai, use the boxes you kept in step one to transport your flower arrangements. Cut X’s on top of the boxes and slide the flower arrangements through these X-shaped holes, so they stay in place in the box. Cut small Xs for bouquets and large Xs for arrangements arranged in vases. The stems should be positioned inside the box, with the flowers sticking out above. This will keep the flower arrangements in place and prevent them from moving while in transit. Have one or two people help you load and unload the boxes, if they are heavy.