If you or someone you know is undergoing substance abuse counseling (or plans on doing so), keep reading. It’s important to know that mental health therapy must be a part of any successful rehab program. We’ll go over seven critical reasons why in this guide.
When it comes to improving your life after addiction, it’s possible for you to cover every area of your life with the help you need. That’s why it is important to focus on improving yourself in terms of physical fitness and mental health while you are undergoing the standard treatment plan to beat your addiction.
The more you take better care of yourself, the better results you will achieve. You don’t want your treatment to be all for nothing. If you want more information on what’s available for mental health therapy, you can click here to continue or keep reading to find out the reasons why it’s important.
You’ll have a go-to person for anything you want to talk about
Having a mental health therapist when you are in rehab is great for many reasons. One of them is that they can be your go-to person if you want to talk to them about something. Even if it’s related to your mental health, your treatment, or anything that may be weighing you down.
They will be willing to listen to you and emphasize how you are feeling. They are also looking out for what could be best for you in handling issues. When no one else can listen, they will.
It’s an essential part of your rehab plan
Needless to say, attending regular mental health therapy sessions is vital. That’s because it will help you get into a new mindset that you can live a good life. Even without drugs or alcohol, you know that you can get through the rough times of life in a more therapeutic and positive way.
Your mental health may not be in the best shape. However, you can find better ways to handle the pain, shame, and guilt that came with your past decisions. It’s essential in taking good care of yourself mentally when you are shedding everything in your past life.
It can establish a baseline for your rehab goals
Having regular therapy sessions will help you create a baseline that will be built on by your personalized rehab goals. Keep in mind that every person in rehab has unique goals that they want to achieve.
So it’s important for you to let your therapist know during the first session as to how you developed your addiction in the first place. Was it to escape from PTSD or another mental issue you have had? The more you share with your therapist, the more solid the foundation will be in building your rehab goals from the ground up.
Helps reshape a person’s thinking
At the start of a rehab treatment, there’s a great chance that the person’s mindset will be negative. Their thoughts will be self-defeating or negative. With the right kind of mental health therapy, this can help them improve their thoughts and gradually turn their mindset from negative to positive.
Someone with a positive mental attitude can be able to live life and never have to rely on drugs again. Developing this mindset is one thing. However, maintaining it will be something that needs to be done on a regular basis.
The reason for this is because you can slip back into familiar territory with negative feelings and thoughts. When that happens, there’s a good chance that a relapse can occur. The more you are able to reinforce the positive thoughts and feelings, the better.
It addresses any negative thoughts and feelings you may have
Tying it to our previous point, mental therapy offers you the opportunity to address any negative thoughts and feelings you may have. Your therapist can make a note of these and will help you try to distance yourself away from them as much as possible.
Your negative thoughts can be the driving force behind your addiction. The farther you are from them, the better your chances of staying sober will be. One thing to note is that we’ll have our bad enough days where we could relapse again.
Your therapist will remind you of that and help you out on what to do when faced with certain situations. The good news is that you won’t be alone in this fight and you have a solid support system that will help you out from start to finish.
They’ll help you meet your personal rehab goals
Everyone’s rehab goals will differ from person to person. You will have a dedicated mental health counselor who will know and understand yours. They will also draw up a roadmap that will help you meet them as time goes on.
However long your treatment is, there will be certain benchmarks and milestones that you’ll reach. Your mental health counselor will see to it that you will reach a certain point by a certain amount of days. All that’s left for you to do is hold yourself accountable for meeting them.
Your counselor will make sure that you follow through with your plan so you will be able to live a healthier life mentally after your rehab treatment is completed. You’ll feel proud knowing that you got the help you need to achieve your rehab goals.
It will give you peace of mind
Having therapy sessions over the course of your rehab period will give you more peace of mind. The calm of knowing that you can be able to stay the course and handle things better. You’ll be at peace knowing that drugs and alcohol will no longer be a part of your life.
Your mind won’t be as cluttered or tumultuous when you are on substances and just trying to dull the pain. Your counselor will advise you on go-to exercises if you are ever feeling a certain mood or whenever you feel the need to relapse.