
8 Tips to Follow to Prevent Seizures

Seizures can be a difficult medical condition to live with. This is especially true when they are part of a chronic condition like epilepsy. Seizures can develop for a variety of reasons, some of which can be managed with proper lifestyle choices. We’ve rounded up tips to help prevent seizures, though it’s important to consult with a medical professional for the best treatment plan for you. 


1. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is something that interferes with our health in many areas, including the management of seizures. Because seizures are a sign of overactivity or disruption in your brain, it’s important to give your body enough rest to allow your brain to take time off. 


2. Don’t Skip Your Treatment Plan 

One of the best things to do to maintain your health when you live with seizures is to seek medical attention. Depending on your unique situation, your doctor may put you on a medication that can help to regulate your brain activity and limit a person’s predisposition to seizures. Don’t skip on things like medication and check-ins as you may cause adverse effects, resulting in more frequent seizures. 


3. Seek Natural Tools

In addition to carrying on with your physician-recommended treatment, natural tools may also help to avoid seizures. One option is the use of cannabis, which doesn’t necessarily need to be smoked to reap the soothing benefits. This article from Veriheal breaks down the process of how cannabis can provide help to those in need. Cannabis has been discussed as a tool for seizures for quite a while. In fact, the Epilepsy Foundation has a whole page dedicated to alternative treatment options for epilepsy, specifically medical marijuana. 


4. A Holistic Lifestyle

Much like other health ailments, a holistic health approach can make all of the difference. This can look different for every person, but generally maintaining a healthy diet and moving your body can help to regulate your body. Similarly, waiting to eat until your blood sugar is really low can cause a seizure, especially for those also with diabetes. 


5. Manage Stress Effectively

Similar to the above tip, it’s important that you avoid living with chronic stress when you’re prone to seizures. Stress can act as a trigger and induce seizures. Realistically, this step goes hand-in-hand with living a holistic life because stress only causes problems in humans, promoting negative bodily reactions. Again, finding stress coping mechanisms, being physical, and resting enough can all be great tools. 


6. No Flashing Lights

Flashing lights have long been an area of concern when it comes to those that are prone to seizures. The issue with flashing lights is that humans can be photosensitive, meaning the contrasting lights and excessive blinking can overwhelm the brain. Because seizures derive from over-activity, flashing lights are a big no-no. 


7. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can act as a trigger for some individuals with epilepsy. Because of this, it is recommended that anyone prone to seizures avoid alcohol. If you must consume alcoholic substances, try to stick to small amounts as the smaller the quantity, the smaller the likelihood of triggering unusual brain activity. It is also worth noting that chronic alcohol use or overuse may also be cause for developing seizure disorders later in life. 


8. Avoid Elevated Fevers

While we can’t help when we fall ill, it’s important to have tools on hand that can lower fevers in a pinch. This is because higher head temperatures can disrupt the usual brain activity, resulting in a seizure. Keeping a fever reducer and monitoring your health carefully when feeling ill can help to keep you regulated and avoid the onset of a seizure. 


Why Is Preventing Seizures Important? 

Every seizure that a person has equals an increased risk for complications. One of the greatest threats with seizures is that someone can injure themselves. Head injuries come with a number of complications which may not only make seizures worse and more frequent, but also lead to other problems like memory loss or swelling. It’s important to minimize the chance of seizures in order to limit the chance of further complications. 



Living a happy and healthy life with seizures or epilepsy is possible with the proper tools. Working in conjunction with your medical team, you can find the treatment plan that works best for you. Whether it be a super-scientific approach, a natural approach, or even a mix of the two – a quality life is completely possible! 

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