
Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore

Biodiversity in Australia to be Explored

Australia is home to the large biodiversity in the world. There are many unique birds, animals, plants, and reptiles in Australia. Some of the most famous wildlife species, which are found only in Australia include kangaroos, koalas, wallaby, echidna, dingo, and platypus. The biodiversity in the oceans of Australia is much larger than that on the land. Marine animals like cone snail, blue-ringed octopus, and sea snake are also found only in Australia. Besides the animals, there are more than 24,000 different plant species on this continent country. It can be said that the flora and fauna of Australia are one of the most prized assets in the world. Some of the flora and fauna to explore in Australia are discussed here.

1. Kangaroo

Kangaroo Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about Australia is Marsupials, or more particularly kangaroos. They are unofficially the national animal of Australia. Kangaroos are known to be the largest species in the marsupials. They are found only in Australia. The Red Kangaroo is known to be the largest surviving marsupial in the world. Kangaroo is said to be the most iconic animal to see in Australia. Kangaroos are easy to spot in wild in many of the rural parts of this continent country. There are more than 50 different species of kangaroos inhabited in Australia.

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2. Acacia

Acacia Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

Commonly famous as wattle trees, Acacia is a native floral species of Australia. The country is home to slightly more than 1,200 Acacia species. The golden wattle is the floral symbol of Australia and can be found in wild in Canberra, Victoria, Southern New South Wales, and Adelaide Hills. These trees flower during spring and summer. In Australia, Wattle Day is celebrated on the 1st of September annually.

3. Koala

Koala Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

The cuddly koalas are one of the natural inhabiting species in Australia and are a must-see. These tree herbivorous animals can be spotted in the coastal regions of Queensland as well as Victoria. Although it is a symbol of Australia, the species is suffering at the hands of a human. Due to the destruction of habitat and hunting of animals, koalas are now a vulnerable species. These are very adorable animals and as you can imagine from their pictures, their fur is very soft. You can pet koalas in most of the wildlife and national parks. Some parks will also allow you to hold these furry animals. But if you want to find this animal in its natural habitat, then you can spot it on Australia’s temperate eastern coast.

4. Eucalypts

Eucalypts Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

Other common floral species in Australia are the Eucalypts or gum trees. There are more than 2,800 native Eucalypts species in Australia. Eucalypts can be found all over Australia. The silver and red snow gum species are inhabited in the Australian Alps, whereas the ancient river red gum species are found in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges. The most diverse varieties of eucalypts species are found in the Blue Mountains. There are so many eucalypts in this area that its name is given because of the blue coloured haze created due to the eucalypt’s oil-bearing trees. Eucalypts species are the food of our furry koalas.

5. Echidna

Echidna Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

Spiny anteaters are also known as Echidna are one of the only two living species of egg-laying mammals. The Echidna is known to be the rarest animal in the world because of its egg-laying capabilities. It has a sharp spine-like porcupine. Echidna is known to be one of the very few surviving members of the monotreme species.

Read More: Interesting Animals Native To Australia

6. Wildflowers

Wildflowers are a very common flora in Australia. if you visit the arid and savanna grasslands in Australia from June to September, you will find these areas covered by colourful carpets of flowers. More than 12,000 species of wildflowers are seen to cover the grasslands in Western Australia. Some 100 varieties of wildflowers can be seen blooming on Kangaroo Island. However, remember that you are not allowed to pick any of the flowers because wildflowers are a protected species in Australia.

7. Platypus

Platypus Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

Platypus is another egg-laying member of mammals found only in Australia. It is a semiaquatic animal and can be said as a combination of duck, otter, and beaver. It is also known as one of the very few venomous mammals in the world. This monotreme animal is difficult to spot in the wild because they live in burrows near the bank of rivers.

8. Eremophila

Eremophila Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

Eremophila is commonly known as emu bushes. These plants constitute approximately 200 species and are found only in Australia. In the wild, emu bushes grow in arid and semi-arid regions of Western Australia. They are also famous for their colourful shrubs, and fleshy fruits which are edible for birds as well as animals.

9. Wombat

Wombat Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

Wombats are another animal that is native to Australia and is mostly inhabited in the mountains of South Australia. If you want to spot a wombat, you might visit the Epping Forest National Park. The wombats are stout and burrowing animals, hence it is very difficult to spot these animals. They dig a burrow underground with their claws and teeth.

10. Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian Devil Top 10 Flora And Fauna In Australia To Explore In 2020

Tasmanian Devil which was once very commonly seen in Australia, can now only be spotted in Tasmania. These animals control the introduced animals which prey on the native wildlife of Tasmania hence they have a very important role in the ecosystem. These are known to be the only animal that outwits introduced animals like feral cats and red foxes. However, it is now an endangered species in Australia and is on the IUCN red list. In the last 10 years, its population has seen a decline of 60% due to contagious facial tumours.

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There are more than a million different species comprising the natural flora and fauna of Australia. More than 80% of these species including flowering plants, frogs, mammals, reptiles, freshwater fish and birds are native only to Australia. there are more than 4000 fish species, 1700 corals and 50 types of marine animals that are also endemic to Australia. Australia has vast biodiversity which needs to be conserved.

Fun Fact

What are the flora and fauna of Australia?

More than 80% of Australian plants, mammals, reptiles and frogs, along with most freshwater fish and almost half of Australia’s native birds. Australia’s marine environment is home to 4,000 species of fish, 1,700 species of coral, 50 species of marine mammals and a variety of seabirds.

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