
Top 5 Best Books like Crash into You

Crash into You

People anticipate Rachel Young to be the perfect student with the perfect life. The wealthy family’s secrets are kept from the junior in a private school, and she has recently added two more. One features her competing against strangers in a Mustang GT race down isolated country roads. Isaiah Walker, a 17-year-old who she has no business even approaching. But after the foster kid with the tattoos and intense gray eyes comes to her rescue, she can’t get him out of her mind.

Author:Katie McGarry

Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Crash into You that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!


Tanner is aware that his relationship with Andrea has always been one of tremendous love and hate, but he wants more love than hate from her. He desires her. Now. Tomorrow. But as he gets to know her better, it’s more and more clear that Andrea has a problem. She’s perched precariously, and no matter how hard he tries to reach her, she escapes his grasp.

Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout


(2)Crossing the Line

Lincoln Turner and Lila McCormick initially met when tragedy hit both of their lives. But she never anticipated that their chance meeting would result in two years of letter-writing or that she would fall in love with the boy she had only met once. Despite the fact that their relationship is private, Lila says she is closest to Lincoln. Until she discovers that he misled her on the one thing on which she most relied on him.

Author: Katie McGarry


(3)Better Than Perfect

After getting kicked out of boarding school, bad boy Derek Fitzpatrick has no choice but to live with his ditzy stepmother while his military dad is deployed. When he learns she intends to take them back to her Illinois childhood home, things swiftly get worse. Derek’s counting the days before he can be on his own, and the last thing he needs is to get involved with someone else’s family drama.

Author: Simone Elkeles


(4) The Girl I Was Before

I’m the egotistical one. That must be the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me. I have also heard the other things. Despite being a lovely girl, Paige Owens has nothing else to give. She simply makes a party fun. She is worthless, heartless, cold, and ignorant. She is only interested in getting a guy to look at her. Who would want to be her friend, anyway?”

Author: Ginger Scott 


(5) City Girl vs Country Boy

I just misplaced everything. My ambitious plan to attend college with my closest buddies has failed. Now I have to take care of my siblings. They only have me left. In their will, my parents specified that they wanted Beck to take care of us on his property. Yet why? He hasn’t been around for a while. Now he expects two orphaned families to cram into his dilapidated old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere?

Author: Jordan Ford 


Best Books to Read Like Crash into You

That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Crash into You    interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!

Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Crash into You 

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