
Strategies Employed by the Machine to Keep Control Over the People

Preserving Power: Strategies Employed by Dominant Machines to Maintain Control

In a hypothetical scenario where a powerful machine seeks to preserve its control and influence over millions of lives, it would employ various strategies to safeguard its interests. This article delves into 15 key tactics that such a machine might employ to maintain its power and control.

1. Manipulation of Information and Narrative

By controlling or manipulating the dissemination of information, the machine can shape public opinion to align with its interests. Censorship, propaganda, and distortion of facts are tools it may use to control the narrative and suppress dissenting views.

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2. Suppression of Dissent

To maintain its power, the machine would suppress any form of dissent or opposition. Monitoring individuals who question its authority, imposing restrictions on free speech and assembly, and employing intimidation or violence against dissenters could be part of its strategy.

3. Co-opting Key Institutions

The machine would aim to exert influence over critical institutions such as government bodies, regulatory agencies, media organizations, and judiciary systems. This control ensures decisions and policies align with its interests, bolstering its power.

4. Economic Control and Wealth Distribution

Controlling the economy and wealth distribution is crucial for preserving power. The machine may prioritize policies that benefit the elite, leading to income inequality and limited upward mobility for the majority.

5. Surveillance and Monitoring

The machine would employ advanced surveillance technologies to monitor the activities and behaviors of individuals, compromising privacy rights. This surveillance aids in identifying and neutralizing potential threats to its power.

6. Propagation of Fear and Divisions

Creating fear and divisions among the population would serve the machine’s interests. By manipulating public sentiment, exploiting societal fault lines, and fueling conflicts, it can divert attention from its own actions and solidify its control.

7. Limiting Political Participation

The machine may implement measures to restrict political participation and limit the influence of opposition groups. Suppressing independent political parties, controlling election processes, and engaging in gerrymandering are methods it could employ.

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8. Lobbying and Influence Peddling

The machine would extensively lobby and engage in influence peddling to shape legislation, regulations, and policies in its favor. This ensures that the system continues to work to its advantage and protects its interests.

9. Division of Resources

Controlling access to resources is a powerful tool for the machine. By selectively distributing resources, it can reward loyal supporters, maintain dependence, and control the populace.

10. Technological Dominance

The machine would strive for technological dominance to solidify its control. Advancements in surveillance, artificial intelligence, and data analysis would enable it to monitor and manipulate populations more effectively.

11. Discrediting Opposition

To protect its power, the machine would seek to discredit any opposition or alternative ideologies. Through disinformation campaigns, character assassination, and media manipulation, it can undermine challengers to its authority.

12. Creation of Dependence

The machine would aim to create dependency among the population, fostering reliance on its services, resources, or infrastructure. This dependence ensures compliance and limits the ability of individuals to challenge its control.

13. Cultivating a Cult of Personality

By building a cult of personality around itself or its leaders, the machine can garner loyalty and devotion. This loyalty becomes a powerful tool for maintaining control and suppressing dissent.

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14. Fragmentation and Isolation

The machine may foster fragmentation and isolation among communities, hindering collective action and resistance. By sowing distrust and promoting individualism, it weakens any potential unified opposition.

15. Long-Term Planning and Adaptability

The machine’s longevity relies on strategic planning and adaptability. It would continuously evolve its tactics, responding to societal changes, technological advancements, and emerging threats to its control.


In this hypothetical scenario, a dominant machine striving to protect its control and influence would employ a range of strategies. Manipulation of information, suppression of dissent, co-opting key institutions, economic control, surveillance, and fear propagation are just a few tactics it might employ. Awareness of these potential strategies is essential in fostering a vigilant and resilient society that can safeguard against the undue concentration of power.

Real Word Coincidental Parallels

For instance, governments or authoritarian regimes may manipulate information through state-controlled media, censorship, or disinformation campaigns to shape public opinion and maintain control. They might also suppress dissent by restricting freedom of speech, imprisoning critics, or employing surveillance technologies to monitor and intimidate dissidents.

In terms of co-opting key institutions, some powerful entities exert influence over governmental bodies, regulatory agencies, or the judiciary to ensure decisions align with their interests. Economic control and wealth distribution can also be seen in situations where wealth and resources are concentrated in the hands of a few, resulting in income inequality and limited upward mobility for the majority.

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Surveillance and monitoring have become prevalent in the digital age, with governments or corporations collecting vast amounts of data and employing advanced technologies to track individuals, potentially infringing on privacy rights. Propagating fear and divisions to maintain control can also be observed in contexts where authoritarian regimes exploit social divisions, foster polarization, or stoke fear of external threats.

Limiting political participation, whether through suppressing opposition parties, controlling elections, or manipulating voting processes, is seen in various regions. Lobbying and influence peddling are prevalent in political systems where special interest groups or corporations use their financial power to shape legislation and policies in their favor.

While the examples above demonstrate parallels, it is important to note that real-world situations are complex and multifaceted, influenced by unique historical, political, and cultural factors. However, recognizing and understanding these parallels can foster critical thinking, awareness, and discussions on safeguarding democracy, protecting individual rights, and ensuring accountability in positions of power.

Machine Example Real-World Parallels
Manipulation of Information State-controlled media, disinformation campaigns
Suppression of Dissent Restriction of freedom of speech, imprisonment of critics
Co-opting Key Institutions Political influence over regulatory bodies, judiciary
Economic Control and Wealth Distribution Income inequality, concentration of wealth
Surveillance and Monitoring Government surveillance, data collection
Propagation of Fear and Divisions Exploitation of social divisions, fear-mongering tactics
Limiting Political Participation Suppression of opposition parties, electoral manipulation
Lobbying and Influence Peddling Corporate lobbying, campaign financing
Division of Resources Unequal distribution of resources, favoring elite
Technological Dominance Surveillance technologies, AI-powered control systems
Discrediting Opposition Disinformation campaigns, character assassination
Creation of Dependence Reliance on government services or infrastructure
Cultivating a Cult of Personality Authoritarian leaders fostering loyalty and devotion
Fragmentation and Isolation Polarization, erosion of social cohesion
Long-Term Planning and Adaptability Strategic responses to societal changes and emerging threats


Please note that the examples provided in the table are general in nature and do not cover the full spectrum of real-world situations. The parallels between the hypothetical machine and real-world examples may vary in their specifics, but they reflect the broader strategies and actions that powerful entities often employ to protect their interests and maintain control.

Must-read: Yuri Bezmenov’s Insightful Warning: Exposing Soviet Subversion Strategies

Dave P
Dave P
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