
Ruth Ware’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Ruth Ware Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Ruth Ware’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Ruth Ware quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Ruth Ware’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“A lie can outlast any truth.”
― ruth ware, The Lying Game

 “There was a little spritz of sequined leaves across the right shoulder because you didn’t seem to be able to get away with none. Apparently the majority of ball gowns were designed by five-year-old girls armed with glitter guns, but at least this one didn’t look entirely like an explosion in a Barbie factory.”
― Ruth Ware, The Woman in Cabin 10

“My friend Erin says we all have demons inside us, voices that whisper we’re no good, that if we don’t make this promotion or ace that exam we’ll reveal to the world exactly what kind of worthless sacks of skin and sinew we really are Maybe that’s true. Maybe mine just have louder voices.”
― Ruth Ware, The Woman in Cabin 10

“The night was drawing in, and the house felt more and more like a glass cage, blasting its light blindly out into the dusk, like a lantern in the dark. I imagined a thousand moths circling and shivering, drawn inexorably to its glow, only to perish against the cold inhospitable glass.”
― Ruth Ware, In a Dark, Dark Wood

 “we all have demons inside us, voices that whisper we’re no good, that if we don’t make this promotion or ace that exam we’ll reveal to the world exactly what kind of worthless sacks of skin and sinew we really are.”
― Ruth Ware, The Woman in Cabin 10

 “Maybe that was closer to the truth–we weren’t captor and captive, but two animals in different compartments of the same cage. Hers was just slightly larger.”
― Ruth Ware, The Woman in Cabin 10

“It was growing dark, and somehow the shadows made it feel as if all the trees had taken a collective step towards the house, edging in to shut out the sky.”
― Ruth Ware, In a Dark, Dark Wood

 “I always thought that being self-sufficient was a strength, but now I realize it’s a kind of weakness, too.”
― Ruth Ware, In a Dark, Dark Wood

“People don’t change,” Nina said bitterly. “They just get more punctilious about hiding their true selves.”
― Ruth Ware, In a Dark, Dark Wood

“You’re never an ex-addict, you’re just an addict who hasn’t had a fix in a while.”
― Ruth Ware, The Lying Game

10 Famous Quotes by Author Ruth Ware

10 quotes by Ruth Ware there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Ruth Ware quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Ruth Ware Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Ruth Ware Quote 

“There’s no reason, on paper at least, why I need these pills to get through life. I had a great childhood, loving parents, the whole package. I wasn’t beaten, abused, or expected to get nothing but As. I had nothing but love and support, but that wasn’t enough somehow. My friend Erin says we all have demons inside us, voices that whisper we’re no good, that if we don’t make this promotion or ace that exam we’ll reveal to the world exactly what kind of worthless sacks of skin and sinew we really are. Maybe that’s true. Maybe mine just have louder voices. But I don’t think it’s as simple as that. The depression I fell into after university wasn’t about exams and self-worth, it was something stranger, more chemical, something that no talking cure was going to fix. Cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling, psychotherapy—none of it really worked in the way that the pills did. Lissie says she finds the notion of chemically rebalancing your mood scary, she says it’s the idea of taking something that could alter how she really is. But I don’t see it that way; for me it’s like wearing makeup—not a disguise, but a way of making myself more how I really am, less raw. The best me I can be.”― Ruth Ware, The Woman in Cabin 10

Dave P
Dave P
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