
Adam Haslett’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Adam Haslett Quotes

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Adam Haslett, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Adam Haslett you will find my ten favourites of Adam Haslett’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“I had never understood before the invisibility of a human. How what we take to be a person is in fact a spirit we can never see.”
Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“He experienced a familiar comfort being in the presence of another person’s unknowable pain. More than any landscape, this place felt like home.”

Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“What do you fear when you fear everything? Time passing and not passing. Death and life. I could say my lungs never filled with enough air, no matter how many puffs of my inhaler I took. Or that my thoughts moved too quickly to complete, severed by a perpetual vigilance. But even to say this would abet the lie that terror can be described, when anyone who’s ever known it knows that it has no components but its instead everywhere inside you all the time, until you recognize yourself only by the tensions that string one minute to the next. And yet I keep lying, by describing, because how else can I avoid this second, and the one after it? This being the condition itself: the relentless need to escape a moment that never ends.”
Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“That’s what Proust calls it. On those rare occasions when the miracle of an analogy had made me escape from the present. That’s the only real life, the only thing that makes you know you’re alive – the backward ache. That’s what music is.”

Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“It struck me then, for the first time, how unethical anxiety is, how it voids the reality of other people by conscripting them as palliatives for your own fear.”

Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“Against the monster, I’ve always wanted meaning. Not for its own sake, because in the usual course of things, who needs the self-consciousness of it? Let meaning be immanent, noted in passing, if at all. But that won’t do when the monster has its funnel driven into the back of your head and is sucking the light coming through your eyes straight out of you into the mouth of oblivion. So like a cripple I long for what others don’t notice they have: ordinary meaning.    Instead, I have words. The monster doesn’t take words. It may take speech, but not words in the head, which are its minions. The army of the tiny, invisible dead wielding their tiny, spinning scythes, cutting at the flesh of the mind. Unlike ordinary blades, they sharpen with use. They’re keenest in repetition. Self-accusation being nothing if not repetitive. There is nothing deep about this. It is merely endless.”

Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“This is the thing: He isn’t calling about his exam. I don’t want to know that, but I do. He’s calling to be reassured about something he can’t put into words yet. I glimpsed it in him when he was young, but told myself, No, don’t imagine that. Children have stages; he’ll change. Then the words started running out of him in a torrent, and I knew they were being chased out by a force he couldn’t see. What was I supposed to say to Margaret? That I see it in him?”
Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“The monster you lie with is your own. The struggle is endlessly private. I thought it was over. That one night the beast at my back would squeeze more tightly and I would cease breathing. What remained of me hoped for it.”

 Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“What he had said to me a moment ago was true. I hadn’t been listening to him, not for years. I’d wanted him to be better for so long that I had stopped hearing him tell me he was sick. For the first time I saw him now as a man, not a member of a family. A separate person, who had been trying as hard as he could for most of his life simply to get by.”

 Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

“We live among the dead until we join them,”

 Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

10 Famous Quotes by Author Adam Haslett

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by Adam Haslett, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Adam Haslett. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Adam Haslett.

One Final Bonus – Longer – Adam Haslett Quote 

“What I have always found most comforting about these forms is the trace of hope I get as I’m filling them out. How they break your life down into such tidy realms, making each seem tractable, because discrete, in a way they never are beyond the white noise of the waiting room. You get that fleeting sense that you’re on the verge of being understood, truly and fully, and for the first time, if you could just get it all down in black and white before the receptionist calls your name.”

Adam Haslett, Imagine Me Gone

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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