
Andrew Michael Hurley’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Andrew Michael Hurley Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Andrew Michael Hurley, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Andrew Michael Hurley you will find my Ten favourites of Andrew Michael Hurley’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Pity is the only thing a drunk has in abundance.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

 “I often thought there was too much time there. That the place was sick with it. Haunted by it. Time didn’t leak away as it should. There was nowhere for it to go and no modernity to hurry it along. It collected as the black water did on the marshes and remained and stagnated in the same way.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

“Tonto, the truth isn’t always set in stone. In fact it never is. There are just versions of it. And sometimes it’s prudent to be selective about the version you choose to give to people.’ ‘But that’s lying, Father. You said so yourself.’ ‘Then I was being as naive as you.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

 “And that’s the trick, Tonto. Making them believe that you know what the right answer is. God knows if I’d been honest about what I knew, the whole place would have gone up in flames. They shouldn’t call us priests. Not when we’re really firemen.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

 “Indeed, all his parishioners deserved to feel like Miss Bunce. Different, loved, guided and judged. It was their reward for being held to ransom by a world that demanded the right to engage in moral brinkmanship whenever it pleased.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

 “not noticing, or wilfully ignoring, the look of horror that Mummer tried to slide discreetly his way, as though on a folded piece of paper. Without”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

“Look first,’ he had told him. ‘And then see. Be patient and you will notice the workings of nature that most people miss.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

 “Life here arose of its own accord and for no particular reason. It went unexamined, and died unremembered.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

“It was a safari park of degradation. What a world without God looked like.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

“Hell was a place ruled by the logic of children.”
― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

10 Famous Quotes by Author Andrew Michael Hurley

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Andrew Michael Hurley, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Andrew Michael Hurley.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Andrew Michael Hurley. 

One Final Bonus – Andrew Michael Hurley Quote 

“I don’t remember either of us trying to run or fight or do anything, for that matter. I only remember the smell of the wet ferns, the sound of water churning out of a gutter, the feeling of numbness, knowing that no one was coming to help us and that we were surrounded by those people Father Wilfred had always warned us about but who we never thought we’d face, not really. Those people who existed in the realm of newspaper reports; dispatches from a completely different world where people had no capacity for guilt and trampled on the weak without a second thought.”

― Andrew Michael Hurley, The Loney

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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