
Bible Vs. Quran

The Bible and Quran both reference people like Abraham, Adam, David, Elisha, Goliath, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Jesus, John the Baptist, Jonah, Joseph, Lot, Mary, Moses, and Noah. But both books have several differences between them.

Let’s see four (4) major differences between the Bible vs. Quran. It will help us gain better understanding of the content and significance of both religious texts.

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Bible Vs. Quran On Creation

The Bible

Genesis is the Bible’s first chapter and it says God created the heavens, earth, animals, plants, and everything else in six days. The book also says God created Adam from dust and Eve, the first woman, from one of Adam’s ribs.

In the book of John, the Bible says Jesus was with God at creation and creation happened through Him.

The Quran

Texts from the Quran suggest that earth and the heavens were one until Allah separated them. This submission is in line with Jehovah’s actions in Genesis 1:6–8.

The Quran also says Allah created day and night, the sun and moon, and everything between earth and the heavens in six days. However, the Quran says Allah created man from a blood clot.

More Reading: What Does The Bible Say On Forgiveness?

Bible Vs. Quran On God

The Bible

Jehovah (Yahweh) wants people to know him personally and wants a relationship with all humans. His desire to share a personal bond with all humans made him send his son, Jesus Christ, to die for humanity’s sins.

The Bible also describes Jesus and Yahweh as one, but some Christians contest this suggestion.

The Quran

Allah is an Arabic word for God and was in use many years before Muhammad became the messenger. The term was used to describe all gods in Arabia, as there were 350+ deities worshipped at that time.

Unlike the God of Christians, Allah is distant and cannot become friends with Muslims. To put this in context, the God of Christians referred to Abraham as his friend.

The Quran says Allah is Most Holy and no man can share a personal bond with him. Also, teachings from the Quran are against calling Jesus the Son of God. Anyone who calls Jesus God’s son commits ‘shirk’, one of Islam’s gravest sins.

Bible Vs. Quran On Sin

The Bible

Eve and Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden by eating a forbidden fruit, allowing sin to enter the world. Sin ushered death into humanity, as God willed for all men to live forever according to Genesis 2:16-17.

The Bible says all have sinned and come short of God’s glory. It also says that sin ushers in death but God’s free gift (Jesus Christ) secures eternal life.

The Quran

Verses in the Quran describes sin in different terms. Some of these descriptions are:

  • Dhanb – great sins that hinder faith and attract eternal damnation in hell fire
  • Shirk – is a sin of polytheism (believing in other gods along with Allah); considered an intentional sin
  • Ithm – is a sin committed with full awareness like bearing false witness, covetousness, etc., and
  • Sayyi’a – minor sins that are forgivable if one doesn’t commit greater sins

The Quran says whoever returns to Allah, asks forgiveness, and abandons their sinful ways will be forgiven. Also, the Quran says whoever wrongs his neighbor should make amends to receive Allah’s forgiveness.

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Bible Vs. Quran On Salvation

The Bible

Verses from the Bible reveal that all are sinners and deserve death and punishment. However, the Bible also says people who believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ can receive salvation (Acts 16:31).

The Bible also says in one of its popular verses (John 3:16):

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Other verses in John 3 and Romans 10 also suggest that belief in Jesus as God’s son and the savior of humanity can bring salvation.

The Bible also has several moral codes redeemed Christians must live to stay in line for a reunion with Jesus.

The Quran

The Quran says Allah is merciful and open to accept the repentance of sinful people who turn from their bad ways quickly. Texts from the book also say if someone continues in their sinful path and repents close to death, they will not receive forgiveness.

According to the texts, people who sin and those who reject its teachings are destined to experience grievous punishments. Some writings also say that Muslims cannot enjoy the assurance or joy of salvation.

The text also says sinful people must follow Islam’s Five Pillars to receive salvation. These pillars are:

  • zakat – donating a portion of your earnings to people in need
  • hajj – all healthy and financially-capable Muslims must make a minimum of one visit to Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  • sawm – healthy adults should abstain from food or drink at daylight hours during the month of Ramadan
  • shahada – belief in only Allah and Muhammad as his prophet
  • salat – prayers at five designated times every day (at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and sundown)

Texts from the Quran say that good deeds purifies a person and only Allah has the final say about where Muslims will end up.

Final Word

Christians believe in the concept of eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus. However, Muslims have no guarantee of what will take place after they die.

Christians believe that all their sins are forgiven through repentance and with belief in Jesus Christ as God’s son. The Bible verse 1 John 5:20 references this belief, so does Romans 10:10 and many other passages.

Christians are hopeful of an escape from damnation with a strong assurance that they will ascend to heaven upon their demise. Many Christians also experience a deep sense of relationship with their Creator as seen in several passages in the Bible (See Romans 8:37-39 and Romans 8:14-16).

You can make your faith work for you; reach out and connect with the Lord Jesus Christ today! You’ll never regret this decision!

Also see: Bible Verses On How To Pray To God

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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