Ten of My Favourite Caroline Kepnes Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Caroline Kepnes, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Caroline Kepnes you will find my Ten favourites of Caroline Kepnes’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“The problem with books is that they end.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“I don’t say anything. I know the power of silence. I remember my dad saying nothing and I remember his silences more vividly than I remember the things he said.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“I own every book Stephen King has ever written.”
“That’s great. That’s something to be proud of.”
But did you read them, fuckface?”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“If we were teenagers, I could kiss you. But I’m on a platform behind a counter wearing a name tag and we’re too old to be young.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“The only thing crueler than a cage so
small that a bird can’t fly is a cage so
large that a bird thinks it can fly.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“Work in a bookstore and learn that most people in this world feel guilty about being who they are.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“It is possible to know people. They show you who they are. You just have to be looking.”
― Caroline Kepnes, Hidden Bodies
“If people could handle their self-loathing, customer service would be smoother.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“Happiness is believing that you’re gonna be happy. It’s hope.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
“You blush. You are Charlotte’s Web and I could love you.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You
10 Famous Quotes by Author Caroline Kepnes
So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Caroline Kepnes, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Caroline Kepnes. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Caroline Kepnes.
One Final Bonus – Caroline Kepnes Quote
“The problem with books is that they end. They seduce you. They spread their legs to you and pull you inside. And you go deep and leave your possessions and your ties to the world at the door and you like it inside and you don’t want for your possessions or your ties and then, the book evaporates.”
― Caroline Kepnes, You