
Colleen Houck’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Colleen Houck Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Colleen Houck’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Colleen Houck quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Colleen Houck’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“You don’t take away my choices. You are my choice.”
― Colleen Houck

 “What are you doing?”
“Kneeling before a goddess.”
“I’m not a goddess.”
“You are. A goddess, a princess, a queen. As a soldier, I pledge myself to your service. As a prince, I grant you any boon within my power. As a man, I ask to sit at your feet and worship you. Ask me to do anything for you and I will do it.”
― Colleen Houck

“And yes, I’ll admit, I am jealous. I’m jealous of every minute you spend with him, of every concerned expression you send his way, of every tear shed, of every glance, every touch, and every thought. I want to rip him to pieces and purge him from your mind and from your heart. But I can’t.”
― Colleen Houck

 “Perfect! Now we’re being chased by hoards of monkeys! Perhaps you would care to name their species as we’re attacked, just so I can appreciate the special traits of said monkey as it kills me!”
“At least when the monkeys are harassing you, you dont have any time to harass me!”
― Colleen Houck, Tiger’s Curse

 “I decided to find you, throw myself at your feet, and beg you to have mercy on me. Honestly, I’ll accept whatever you choose, Kelsey. Just don’t ask me to live apart from you again. Because…I can’t.”
― Colleen Houck, Tiger’s Quest

 “A girl can still admire, can’t she? Even those who can’t afford to go in the store can still window-shop. Right? Knowing he wasn’t for me didn’t mean I couldn’t covet the merchandise.”
― Colleen Houck, Tiger’s Curse

“Saying his name stabbed my heart, like someone had ripped through my carefully stitched up world and exposed the infected, pulsing red tissue that I thought was healing. ”
― Colleen Houck

 “Falling for him would be like cliff diving. It would be either the most exhilarating thing that ever happened to me or the stupidest mistake I’d ever make.”
― Colleen Houck

“Were you always such a stubborn, blind, obtuse girl?”
“Are you calling me stupid?”
“Yes, but in a more poetic way!”
“Well, here’s a poem for you. Get lost!”
― Colleen Houck

“The fact is…I’m in love with you, and I have been for some time.”
― Colleen Houck, Tiger’s Curse

10 Famous Quotes by Author Colleen Houck

10 quotes by Colleen Houck there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Colleen Houck quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Colleen Houck Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Colleen Houck Quote 

“There are many different types of kisses. There’s a passionate kiss of farewell—like the kind Rhett gave Scarlett when he went off to war. The kiss of I-can’t-really-be-with-you-but-I-want-to-be—like with Superman and Lois Lane. There’s the first kiss—one that is gentle and hesitant, warm and vulnerable. And then there’s the kiss of possession—which was how Ren kissed me now.
It went beyond passion, beyond desire. His kiss was full of longing, need, and love, like all those other kisses. But, it was also filled with promises and pledges, some of which seemed sweet and tender while others seemed dangerous and exciting. He was taking me over. Staking a claim.
He seized me as boldly as the tiger captured his prey. There was no escape. And I didn’t want to. I would have happily died in his clutches. I was his. And he made sure I knew it. My heart burst with a thousand beautiful blooms, all tiger lilies. And I knew with a certainty more powerful than anything I’d ever felt before that we belonged together. ”

― Colleen Houck, Tiger’s Quest

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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