
Dan Hampton’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Dan Hampton Quotes 

Dan Hampton, a writer whom I am guessing you love? Here are our 10 best Dan Hampton quotes for you to enjoy. At Australia Unwrapped we believe every book has at least one quotable line, and our mission is to find them all. Here you will find Dan Hampton’s top 10 popular and famous quotes. Like every good writer Dan Hampton made a number of memorable quotes, here are some of our favourites: 

Popular Quotes

“Tom Cruise’s latest hyperactive short-man antics put him fast asleep instead.”
― Dan Hampton, The Mercenary

 “It must be appreciated that Nazi Germany in 1939 was not the place to be a nonconformist. There was no freedom of speech, much music (including American jazz) was banned, and undesirable people often just disappeared. Marseille simply didn’t care. He drank, which was a serious offense, and fast became one o f the most infamous womanizers in the Luftwaffe. He was in trouble so often that, according to one of his friends, “it was a noteworthy occasion when he was not on restriction.”………..
……Restricted to his quarters, he didn’t take that to include the town, so he borrowed (stole) his commander’s car and went barhopping. Coming back drunk with two French girls certainly did not endear him to his new commander, Johannes Steinhoff. One could forgive his utter lack of military bearing and even his rebelliousness up to a point, but no his seeming disregard for his fellow pilots. But in studying the man, I don’t think that was truly his attitude. He was a warrior and a loner. The cold fact was that he really didn’t need anyone’s help in the air and was better alone.”
― Dan Hampton, Lords of the Sky: Fighter Pilots and Air Combat, from the Red Baron to the F-16

“He’d always lived off by himself in a hut, keeping a small garden and a hutch of rabbits. On some nights, his fellow pilots would see the red glow from a signal flare stuck in the ground, and Ball’s dark silhouette as he played the violin in his pajamas. One of the reasons for his introspection was a woman. He’d fallen in love during his time off in England, but he refused to marry the girl until the war ended. It appears he didn’t believe he’d survive; he once said to his father, Sir Albert Ball, that “no fighter pilot who fought seriously could hope to escape from the war alive.”
― Dan Hampton, Lords of the Sky: Fighter Pilots and Air Combat, from the Red Baron to the F-16

 “An exceptionally qualified high school graduate could procure an appointment to either the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs or the Naval Academy in Annapolis.* After four years of training and study, usually in an engineering or technical field, a graduate earned an accredited bachelor’s degree and was commissioned into the Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps.”
― Dan Hampton, Lords of the Sky: Fighter Pilots and Air Combat, from the Red Baron to the F-16

 “Ten days later, during lunch at the Wolf’s Lair in East Prussia, Goering asked the young hero, “So you now have what, over a hundred conquests?”
He meant enemy aircraft, but Jochen, sincere or not, replied, “Herr Reichsmarschall, do you mean aircraft or women?”
Goering laughed so hard he nearly choked.”
― Dan Hampton, Lords of the Sky: Fighter Pilots and Air Combat, from the Red Baron to the F-16

 “on August 14, Lieutenant David Graben was hit hard by anti-aircraft fire while flying a rescue mission for a downed CIA T-28 in Laos. Zooming his burning jet up to 39,000 feet, he starved the fire of oxygen, then glided down to Korat for a safe landing.”
― Dan Hampton, The Hunter Killers: The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions of the Vietnam War

“Now, I’m giving up both land and day. Now, I’m heading eastward across two oceans, one of night and one of water. —CHARLES LINDBERGH”
― Dan Hampton, The Flight: Charles Lindbergh’s Daring and Immortal 1927 Transatlantic Crossing

 “In fact, the only way to keep a fighter pilot from talking with his hands was to put either a drink or a woman in them.”
― Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot: A Memoir of Air Combat

“You know that “nowhere” place everyone is always in the middle of? That would be Enid, Oklahoma.”
― Dan Hampton, Viper Pilot: A Memoir of Air Combat

“approaches. At 0900 the American president went on national television to state, “The only”
― Dan Hampton, The Hunter Killers: The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions of the Vietnam War

10 Famous Quotes by Author Dan Hampton

Quotes for all, here you found our selection of 10 Dan Hampton quotes. Make sure you help by commenting your best Dan Hampton quote below and sharing our favourite authors so we can look them up, read some of their works and give you the best quotes we can find. We hope you enjoyed our top 10 quotes by Dan Hampton. However, feel free to comment below if you disagree or would like to include some other great and memorable Dan Hampton quotes in our list. 

One Final Bonus – Dan Hampton Quote 

“America’s last step into the Vietnam quagmire came on November 22, 1963, when Lyndon Baines Johnson was sworn in as the thirty-sixth president of the United States. Unlike Kennedy, Johnson was no real veteran. During World War II he used his influence as a congressman to become a naval officer, and, despite an utter lack of military training, he arranged a direct commission as a lieutenant commander. Fully aware that “combat” exposure would make him more electable, the ambitious Johnson managed an appointment to an observation team that was traveling to the Pacific. Once there, he was able to get a seat on a B-26 combat mission near New Guinea. The bomber had to turn back due to mechanical problems and briefly came under attack from Japanese fighters. The pilot got the damaged plane safely back to its base and Johnson left the very next day. This nonevent, which LBJ had absolutely no active part of, turned into his war story. The engine had been “knocked out” by enemy fighters, not simply a routine malfunction; he, LBJ, had been part of a “suicide mission,” not just riding along as baggage. The fabrication grew over time, including, according to LBJ, the nickname of “Raider” Johnson given to him by the awestruck 22nd Bomber Group.”
― Dan Hampton, The Hunter Killers: The Extraordinary Story of the First Wild Weasels, the Band of Maverick Aviators Who Flew the Most Dangerous Missions of the Vietnam War

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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