
Darwin Festival 2022

Darwin Festival will potentially take place from August 4–21, 2022. The Darwin Festival promotes the Northern Territory’s multicultural lifestyle. During the dry season (May-October), the festival features a variety of activities, including outdoor concerts, workshops, theatre, dance music, comedy, cabaret, cinema, and visual arts. There’s no better time to visit the tropical Top End than during Darwin Festival, which takes place in August and has a fantastic festival paradise.

For an ideal time, Australia’s hottest winter arts festival mixes Darwin’s characteristic spirit and energy with warm outdoor activities and a colorful schedule of events. The perfect backdrop for an exceptionally dry season, the Top End’s tropical winter, is balmy nights beneath dazzling Festival lights. Start arranging your 2022 Northern Territory journey today, and join in enjoying hot August nights.

Official Website:


Following the issuance of the Letters Patent colonizing the Northern Territory to South Australia in 1863, Darwin has a heritage of street parades and festival events stretching back to early European colonization. In 1869, South Australian Surveyor-General GW Goyder surveyed the Township of Palmerston by 1888. The Northern Territory’s non-Indigenous population had grown to roughly 1,200 Europeans and 6,000 Chinese. The Chinese storekeepers, market gardeners, and coolies who arrived in Palmerston during the gold rushes of the 1870s organized extremely famous Chinese New Year processions.

Artist & Funding

Darwin Event is an international arts festival with a strong connection to the community. Supporting the showcasing of Northern Territory artists and performers is essential for our purpose. Local artists may proudly display their ability with the greatest in current international touring work on our high-profile national platform. The Darwin Festival’s Creative Development Fund is an exciting new project to assist in creating new work by Northern Territory artists.

Artists can apply for grants ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 to help them create new art, refine current work, or nurture new ideas. The goal of the Darwin Festival is to help artists develop and produce high-quality work for eventual presentation at the festival. The Creative Development Fund has been established thanks to the generosity of our contributors and a $10,000 gift from Power and Water. This financing is not to present art, and acceptance into the Darwin Festival is not a guarantee of acceptance. Unless otherwise approved, funded activities must occur between February and October 2022.

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Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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