
Destiny 2 Hotfix and What’s New in the Game

The new Destiny 2 Hotfix is here! That is Hotfix, and it’s not just a number that keeps on changing, it is an update that helps gamers out a lit bit – so they can get the loot they want.



First up we got the an update for the Grandmaster Nightfall which Bungie has “educed the Power Level requirement from +25 to +15 over the power cap,” which means that “Players can now enter Grandmaster Nightfalls at power cap (1580 during Season 19).”


Next up in Gambit is an update for players that are not that great in the Gambit arena. The “requirements for the Gold Coins gilding Triumph changed … the requirement from 30 wins to 50 matches played“ and winning a game grants a bonus to progress towards to Gold Coins gilding Triumph. 


Two Dungeons of gotten some patchwork done to them specifically: Duality and Spire of the Watcher.

  1. Duality: Fixed an issue where the final encounter would not drop rewards repeatedly while it’s the weekly featured dungeon.
  2. Spire of the Watcher: Improved audio of Supplicant spawns in final encounter.

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Bungie is also reducing the “focusing costs of weapons and armor for Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner, Crucible, and Gambit,“ where the amount of Legendary Shards is taken down from 50 to 25 shards and Glimmer is reduced from 10,000 to 5,000 Glimmer.

However, as usual, Trials of Osiris is a bit different. The cost of focusing Trials of Osiris’ Adept weapons will be from the huge amount of 250 Legendary Shards down to 50 Shards. That should help you guardians out, especially if you’ve only recently purchased a Destiny 2 account!


Some other minor armor fixes include:

  1. Fixed an issue where the Iron Companion armor set was not counting towards the Gunnora’s Seal Triumph.
  2. Fixed an issue where players were unable to reset their artifact if they had no artifact unlock points available.


Weapons are always going through changes, so this Hotfix is no exception. Here is what you can look forward to in the new update: 

  1. Increased Deepsight weapon drop rates for all Raids and the Duality dungeon.
  2. Fixed an issue where Fire and Forget had more visual kick than other Aggressive Frame Linear Fusion Rifles.
  3. Fixed an issue that prevented the Legacy Ambush artifact mod from working.
  4. Fixed an issue where the sprint reticle was missing in the player HUD when sprinting.
  5. Fixed an issue where the Hierarchy of Needs Exotic Bow displayed the incorrect icon in the killfeed.
  6. Fixed an issue where the Hierarchy of Needs Exotic Bow’s arrow display was delayed after drawing the first arrow.
  7. Fixed an issue where Volatile detonations triggered at a higher than expected cadence.
  8. Fixed an issue where the Bray Inheritance Trait granted more ability energy than intended on Machine Guns and Swords.
  9. Updated the Reconstruction perk description in all non-English languages.


So, quality of life fixes:

  1. Fixed an issue where the Seraph Cipher Mods Triumph was not progressing properly.
  2. Added an emblem metric for Collections score.
  3. Dawning currencies can now be dismantled in stacks after the event has concluded.

This concludes Destiny 2 Hotfix While it wasn’t huge, it tackled a lot on weapons and overall the fact that some venders were charging way too much for their goods. I mean what do you think they do with all those Glimmer and Legendary Shards!

Anyways, keep finding your light in Destiny 2 and see you on the next Destiny 2 Hotfix!



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