
DIY Side Roses Nail Art Design

Step by step Tutorial for Cute Side Roses Nail Art Design

Roses nail art or Side Roses Nail Art design has become favourite because of various reasons.

  • Who doesn’t like roses?
  • Roses Nail Art can be used for seasonal touch such as “Spring roses nail art design“.
  • Pink and Maroon Roses nail art are best for college girls.
  • Red roses works great on valentines day nail art in February or as holiday nail art in December.

So many reasons but it doesn’t mean that you can’t draw side roses nail art without any special reason. Roses touch nail art looks cute.

Nail Art Design

We care about your hardly earned money so we will never suggest you to take help of expensive nail salons but we love to share the easy DIY nail art tricks so you can have stunning nails everyday at home.

We are going to try one of the simplest but decent DIY Side Roses Nail Art Designs. Follow the step by step guide to draw it at home.

  • Apply base coat, light pink will work great as shown in picture.
Step 1 - Side Roses Nail Art
  • Put double coats of shining nail polish (contrast colour will work best)
  • Draw few big and small spots to shape roses, like shown in below picture.
Step 3 - Side Roses Nail Art
  • These spots can random and as many as you want to fill the top and side of your nail.
Step 4 - Side Roses Nail Art
  • Now highlight your spots into roses and leaves on nail with dark different nail colour such as maroon works on baby pink, dark pink works on light pink and even black works on red.
Step 5 - Side Roses Nail Art
  • Beautifully highlight every spot as follows.
Step 6 - Side Roses Nail Art
  • Adding few outer dots without having highlights will make it more beautiful.
Step 7 - Side Roses Nail Art
  • Finally, apply transparent nail polish to lock your design.
  • You’re done.

When you are going to try this side roses nail art design? How about to share pictures of your try, we promise to share on our social media fan pages to appreciate your efforts. We warmly welcome all the suggestions if you want to give any.

If you are really tired of having simple red nail colour on your nails all the time, you will love this tutorial to try something new.

Images Source:

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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