
Does Australia Really Need Immigrants?

Australia has been a top choice for those looking to immigrate to another country in recent years. Each year, hundreds of people seek for immigration to Australia in order to live, work, study, or establish permanent residence there. There are additional reasons now to apply for an Australian PR (Permanent Residence) visa, especially for experienced professionals. Australia has been allowing 160,000 permanent residents each year for a few years now.

The Australian government has increased this migration ceiling by 35,000 for the programme year 2022–2023 in order to address skill shortages in several areas. We see, the government’s top objective now is to improve visa processing to offer better immigration services in Australia. As a result, Australia will welcome 1 95000 additional permanent residents in 2022–2023.

A country’s visa regulations may not seem to have much of an impact on its overall national policy at first glance. It can, however, convey a lot about how it views the world and the aims it has for itself. Australia heavily depends on a range of various visas to meet its population growth demands because of its huge migrant population and low birthrate. Canberra’s policies, however, frequently run against its goal of enhancing the country’s advantages. 

In particular, regional Australian towns benefit from the stability that international migrants bring. Through their skills and knowledge, they contribute significantly to local businesses and organisations, which is essential for the success and future growth of their employers’ companies and, ultimately, the region.

Migration helps Australia’s ageing population because migrants are often younger and bring their families. The children of these educated immigrants will soon gain Australian credentials and fill employment vacancies, which is something that is urgently needed in Australia’s outback.

According to research conducted by the Regional Australia Institute using the most recent 2016 Census data, 151 regional local government areas were bringing in foreign immigrants to balance the population decline in their regions, according to The Guardian.

Based on data from the 2016 Census, it is becoming evident that new immigrants to the communities are the only source of population increase in many small towns. These areas are concentrated in farming and mining, two of Australia’s major industries where expertise and experience are needed to maintain competitiveness.

Key Insights As Per Reports:

  • Compared to 3.1 percent over the previous 40 years, it is predicted that the gross domestic product will decline to 2.8% over the following 40 years.
  • Approximately 40,000 people will reach their 100th birthday by 2055, and nearly one in five persons over the age of 65 will still be working.
  • Additionally, wages are anticipated to grow at a slower rate of 1.4% compared to previous years’ rates of 1.9%. The ordinary Australian can anticipate earning $117,300 by 2055.
  • Australians, on the other hand, are anticipated to work substantially longer hours. Approximately 40,000 people will reach their 100th birthday by 2055, and nearly one in five persons over the age of 65 will still be working.
  • Additionally, the paper argues for further reductions in government spending, particularly on social and health services.
  • It forewarns that net government debt will increase to 60% of GDP if recommended budgetary reforms are not approved by the parliament.
  • On the other hand, if the recommended policy was put into effect, the net debt would be eliminated by 2031–2022.

What’s Next?

Because of the visa system’s rigidity at the moment, Australia is unable to take advantage of international trends and conditions in other nations. There is a correlation between Australia’s current labour shortages and South Korea’s surplus of educated youth, as Jay Song of the University of Melbourne noted in a recent piece for Foreign Policy. The possibility to considerably strengthen people-to-people ties should be regarded in light of Australia’s aim to improve relations with South Korea, but a complex visa system may prove to be a barrier.

Australia’s visa policy ought to be viewed as a key tenet of its foreign policy. It symbolises Australia’s worldview—whether it predominantly perceives individuals from other nations as threats—as well as how it aspires to develop its own economic, security, and cultural capacities. Due to the global reduction in birth rates, those nations that can attract, house, and retain people will have a significant advantage.

Is Australia an immigration nation?” Well, Australia benefits from having a large immigrant population. Currently, 195,000 people are admitted to the country each year as immigrants. However, a comparable nation and significant competitor for talent, Canada, has an annual immigration intake of about 430,000 people, and that number is expected to increase to 450,000 in 2024. Ottawa has determined that Canada needs to dramatically improve its own capabilities as the United States becomes a less trustworthy security partner. This is the viewpoint that Australia ought to hold.

There is no justification for supposing that Australia cannot handle this. Politicians could naturally be afraid of inciting the same dangerous backlash against immigration that exists in many European nations. Yet in a remarkably short amount of time, Australia has accomplished a stunning transformation from a homogenous, isolated society to a highly diverse, globally connected country. It has done so while preserving a stable social environment. The parliament created by the federal election in May is increasingly beginning to resemble Australian society more broadly.

One of the most important tools Australia has to increase its level of security, prosperity, and influence is immigration. It is counterproductive to have a visa policy that makes it harder to accomplish that goal. Instead, a system that is quick, easy, predictable, and inexpensive would show that Australia is a self-assured and ambitious nation rather than a worried, wary, and timid one.

Looking to Migrate to Australia?

The Australian Department of Home Affairs allocated 79,600 visa slots for the category of Skilled Migration last year. The DHA will accept 109,900 visa seats for skilled migration this year, an increase from last. Furthermore, following the most recent increase in the yearly migration cap by DHA, this figure is probably going to rise even further. For highly qualified individuals wishing to immigrate to Australia, this is great news.

Several Australian states have raised the number of vocations on their list of in-demand jobs, or the applicable SOL (Skilled Occupation List). As a result, applicants for skilled visas will now be able to list a variety of professions. Additionally, important state nomination programmes have loosened the criteria for nominating people for skilled visas.

If you’re interested in applying for a skilled work visa in Australia this year, you may get in touch with a reputable visa consultancy firm as they have top Gold coast immigration lawyers, and connect to MARA members and provide trustworthy visa solutions and services to applicants. 

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