
Donald Trump Still Has More Rules to Rewrite

Donald Trump Has Some More Rules to Rewrite

While delivering a speech in Cincinnati, Donald Trump said that there are people comparing him to Andrew Jackson. The former was the 7th President of the United States from March 4, 1829, to March 4, 1837. Prior to this, he had served as the vice president under John C. Calhoun. One thing that Jackson is known for is his self-confidence. Just at the age of thirteen, he informally assisted local militia as a courier. He at one time refused to clean the boots of a British officer, triggering the officer to slash his sword towards the youth – leaving scars on his head and left hand.

But even Andrew Jackson himself acknowledged that his famous confidence had its own limits. During his first inaugural address, he said that the only difference was the qualifications that would teach him how to look with reverence at the examples that his illustrious predecessors left.


During Trump’s victory rally, there was nothing to do with reverence or diffidence. “We won, we won big” is all that filled the exciting atmosphere. And yes, we cannot blame him for showing any reverence to his predecessor – President Barack Obama.

Mr.Trump has always been clear about his bid to be the next POTUS. He wanted to get rid of all the ills caused by the previous governments. Well, you cannot do that by still praising them.

Changing the Rituals

The election of Donald Trump signifies a new era in the U.S. Presidential elections. He is changing the rites and rituals that have become the norm of the presidential transition. However, his chances are not starting now that he is the president-elect. They began right from the primary season, all the way to the election campaign.

To begin with, Donald Trump held a “USA Thank You 2016 Tour” rally in Cincinnati. This is a new incident as no president from both the Republican and Democrat has ever done this.

Before Obama became the president-elect and later on the president; no president-elect had ever spoken much often. All they did was make key announcements of their appointments as they waited for the 12 noon EST January 20th to be sworn in (previously March 4th). But Mr. Obama came in during the Great Recession, and so he spoke frequently to calm the citizens and the markets.


Even President-elect Franklin Roosevelt declined a request by Herbert Hoover “to collaborate on framing international economic policy” and said very little.

But 2008 saw a change of this when President-elect Obama delivered what could as well be the first president-elect Thanksgiving statement. He gave out plans that would, later on, be converted to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Obama gave the plans about two weeks before George W. Bush flew to Texas in his helicopter.

A President-Elect With Lots of New Stuff

Donald Trump’s president-elect era is a total contrast to what his predecessors are known to have done. While he and his running mate promoted the Carrier, their actions depicted those of an already sworn-in president.

They travelled to the industrial Midwest to trumpet a deal made by the state of Indiana where Go. Mike Pence still controls. Their mission was to save Carrier jobs as they led the thank-you tour. As much as only Pence had legal authority to strike the deal, he directly ascribed the deal made to Donald Trump.

This is what he said:

“Today in Indianapolis because of the bold leadership and vision of President-elect Donald Trump, a company that announced back in February that they were closing their doors and moving to Mexico, announced that now more than 1,100 jobs, good-paying jobs, will stay right here in America. And the President-elect made it happen.”

Donald Trump Still Has More Rules to Rewrite
Image Source Pixabay


What If The Journalist’s Position in Trump’s Presidency?

It is no secret that many media houses and websites were biased in the U.S. Presidential election campaigns. Many of them openly supported Hillary Clinton as Trump cried of being oppressed. Very few were approached the matter open-minded.

The predictions of most were that Trump would lose the elections by a landslide. However, people’s comments on social media already indicated Trump was winning. And win he did. Well, as you would expect, he did not shy away from ridiculing the journalists for having failed to accurately predict his victory.

“They don’t know that Hillary lost a couple of weeks ago,” Donald Trump said as the crowd cheered him on.

Mr.Trump becomes the first US President-elect to go against the establishment and hold a victory tour. But a lot is yet to be written – what next will be his first move? This a man you wouldn’t like to keep your eyes from.

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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