
Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag Jordan B. Peterson Part 13

Review Female Perspective Part 13 Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag

After some reflection I actually didn’t mind his previous lecture you can check it out here if you missed it:

See This: Phenomenology: Heidegger, Binswanger, Boss Part 12

Looking at the subject matter here this will be interesting as it contains some of the subjects that a few of my mates had been believe summed up Peterson such degeneration of society into nihilism or totalitarianism, often of the most murderous sort, employing as an example the work/death camps. This is my review.

Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag – A Personality Guide By Jordan B. Peterson

This lecture by Jordan examines the horrible socio-political implications of an individual’s inauthentic existence, including the degeneration of society into nihilism or totalitarianism, which is frequently of the most homicidal form, using the Soviet Union’s work and death camps as an example. The lecture comes with references from Gulag, famous for writing on the concerned issue.

Key Points

 Hitler launched his invasion of Europe, and the Soviet Union was entirely unprepared to deal with the prospect of having to defend their territories. As a result, they were caught completely off guard when Hitler launched his assault.

  • Individuals may fight for economic reasons, which implies they are fighting for things that they value. Still, it is not entirely apparent why people appreciate the fact they love it because various civilizations value different ways. Consequently, economics is a superficial explanation in the final understanding of the situation.
  • In the 19th century, as ideas were passed around from culture to culture, every culture suffered discoloration. People’s susceptibility to allergies in the 20th century was similar to that of a dog with a bad case of eczema.
  • Nihilism has its origins in a certain view, namely the Christian moral understanding of the world.
  • Rather than nihilism, the extreme rejection of value, meaning, and desirability, such suffering always allows for a range of interpretations.

Enjoy:  Top 10 Lectures by Jordan Peterson


 Jordan says Buddhists believe that to recoil from God is to admit the truth about their ardent faith and all of his flaws and shortcomings. It’s an odd view because Nietzsche, even though he was passionately anti-Christian in his writings and his public presentation, was, in judgment, more like a beneficial critic of the Western Christian tradition in his writings and his public display. He did so for several reasons, the most important of which was that he saw that the dominance of Europe by the Catholic Church for something like nineteen hundred years was required for the European intellect to become disciplined and concentrated.

Keep Learning: Top 10 Podcasts by Jordan Peterson

Jordan further explains A trained mind has learned to set an interpretative scheme on a given situation and then cohesively interpret that situation through that scheme. Moreover, for Nietzsche, it didn’t matter what the interpretative system was in a certain meaning of the word. It was just that you had to discipline yourself at some point, and this would be something along the lines of a post-adolescent development. A clear, profound, and cohesive point of view was required, and you had to train yourself to maintain that point of view.

Must Read: Short Review of 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

Jordan enlightens the thought that the connection between science and religion during the Enlightenment resulted in the birth of modern science and religion. He further creates a close relationship between personality, nationalism, and religious beliefs. To know more about what Jordan says about personality, watch 2017 Personality 13: Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulaga detailed lecture by Jordan B. Peterson.

Opinion Lecture Thirteen Jordan Peterson 

Wow that was mind-blowing, not Peterson being an alt-right freak but the subject matter. If you ever hear me complain again my coffee is not hot enough then you have my permission to shake your head very stroingely.

More Peterson: Jordan Peterson Most Infamous Interview with Helen Lewis

I hope you enjoyed my take and my rough notes from my Jordan Peterson experience. You can find links to the complete series here:

Entire Series: 2017 Personality and Its Transformations Parts 1-22 

Aki Zhang
Aki Zhang
Dare to dream, then run towards it.


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