
Hypertension: Eight Foods That Will Help You Control High Blood Pressure

Those diagnosed with hypertension are encouraged by medical professionals to make these meals a regular part of their diet since nutrition plays a significant part in the regulation of blood pressure.

One in every five persons has hypertension, which is regarded as one of the most hazardous illnesses that manifests no outward symptoms. Despite the fact that modern treatments and an increase in the number of people who are diagnosed with heart disease have helped to significantly reduce the number of people who suffer from these conditions, the foundation notes that the figures are still striking in our country.

According to the World Health Organization, the problems that arise from this condition are responsible for 9.4 million fatalities per year. And this is due to the fact that hypertension is the cause of half of all fatalities from strokes and heart disease, making it the primary cause of sickness and death in industrialized nations.

The experts agree that high blood pressure might be attributed to a number of different circumstances. Among these include high cholesterol levels, a history of the disease in the family, advanced age, stress, obesity, an excessive amount of salt, unhealthy behaviors such as drinking alcohol or smoking, and a poor diet.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the most essential things that one can do to ensure that they live a healthy life is to consume a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.

Foods To Control Hypertension

Because of the significant part that food plays in regulating and preventing hypertension, medical professionals have identified some foods as being appropriate for the diet of people who are afflicted with this condition.


Experts believe that potassium may help lower the tension that is present in the walls of blood vessels, which can assist in the regulation of hypertension. When it comes to the mineral potassium, the banana is regarded to be one of the foods that has the highest concentration of this element.

Red Fruits:

The regular consumption of red fruits that are high in flavonoids, such as blueberries, raspberries, cherries, blackberries, strawberries, or currants, is significantly associated with a 12 percent reduction in the risk of developing hypertension, according to a study that was published in the magazine ‘The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.’


The capacity of this probiotic drink to bring about a drop in blood pressure is one of the reasons it is so well regarded. Kefir, when consumed on a regular basis, is a beneficial treatment for hypertension, as a result of a research that was conducted not too long ago. Additionally, the living microorganisms that are provided by this beverage contribute to the preservation of a healthy balance in the gut flora.


Garlic is revered and reviled in nearly equal numbers, yet there is no denying the health benefits it provides. Several studies have shown that consuming this meal has numerous health advantages, including controlling blood pressure and even cholesterol levels.


They believe that lemon helps to reduce the stiffness of blood vessels, which contributes to the prevention of high blood pressure. This benefit is one of the numerous advantages that are given to lemon, such as their diuretic capacity and their high amount of vitamin C.

Also see: Intermittent Fasting, Is It Really Recommended?

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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