
Global Day of Parents 2022 Theme

Global Day of Parents

Global Day of Parents is celebrated every year on 1st June. The UN General Assembly declared it an international holiday in 2012 with resolution A/RES/66/292 to honour all parents. The Global Day is a chance to celebrate all parents for their unselfish dedication to their children and their sacrifices throughout their lives to nurture this bond.

Towards their children around the world, parents have made hard sacrifices and struggled to support their children. 2022 theme is about recognizing parents’ worth & affection and valuing their sacrifices for their children.

The United Nations General Assembly emphasized that families are fundamental to children’s well-being because they provide a safe, caring, and nurturing environment for them to grow up. Recognition of the importance of parental involvement in child development is emphasized in the resolution and calls on the Member States to celebrate the day with civil society, mainly including children and youth.


Families are stronger because of their parents and parental figures, and today is a good day to honour them. In a COVID-19 pandemic, assistance to working families is essential to limit the detrimental effects on children.

The day honours and recognizes parents for their charitable work in raising their children and their willingness to sacrifice throughout their lives to maintain this special bond. Parents who have been alive for a long time are revered in most cultures. God’s greatest gift to us is our parents. No one in this world can replace parents. They genuinely wish you well.

The day also honours the fact that children’s well-being and safety are primarily the responsibility of their parents and other family members. Children need happy, loving, and understanding home setting to thrive later in life. The family-oriented policy is a surefire approach to meeting the aims of the Sustainable Growth Goals, including eliminating hunger and poverty, promoting shared economic success, and fostering social development. The only place where people gather to socialize is inside the immediate family.

We may not be able to see God here on Earth, but we do have parents. They are known as God in India. Throughout history, we have been taught to treat our elders with respect. Nowadays, children cannot spend time with their parents because of their hectic schedules. As a result, this year’s Global Day of Parents is a reason to gather the entire family and spend quality time together. Children demonstrate their appreciation for their parents’ generosity by spending the whole day with them.


People worldwide observe the Global Day of Parents in private and in public, regardless of their location. Even if it is celebrated in a different country, the first step in honouring parents is to show them the highest respect and gratitude. Then, children of all ages may delight their parents by preparing unique presents, cooking for them, and spending the entire day together doing the things that excite them. It is a beautiful way for children to spend quality time with their parents and create lasting memories.

Parties, family picnics, and trips are other everyday family activities. They’ve gathered to reminisce about the good times they’ve had in the past. It is a fantastic opportunity for children to show their sentiments of thanks and affection for their parents and pamper them instead of parents spoiling their children every day.

Most schools have a party for their parents on this day. Parents of pupils are invited to the school on this day. Many schools have fun contests, games, art exhibitions, and other events to showcase their students’ work on this specific day. There are often sweets and other snacks provided so that parents and their children may have a good day together. On this day dedicated to honouring parents, children may show their parents how much they value and respect them by making even the smallest gestures. It fosters a more harmonious relationship between parents and children.

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Fun Fact

What is the Global Day of Parents 2022 Theme?

The Global Day of Parents 2022 Theme is “Family Awareness.”

Aki Zhang
Aki Zhang
Dare to dream, then run towards it.


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