
How Long Does XTC Stay in Your System? – MDMA

How Long Does XTC Stay In You Body?

XTC is a synthetic drug that’s often thought of as a designer drug. It’s not available commercially, but it can be made at home and used recreationally. Because of its popularity among clubbers and ravers, many people wonder how long XTC will stay in their system after taking it.

The answer depends on the dose you take and how often you take it. XTC is a synthetic version of MDMA, which is also known as ecstasy or molly. It has similar effects to MDMA but causes less stimulation and euphoria than its parent drug. It’s been around since the early 1980s when it was first synthesized by Dr Alexander Shulgin while working at Dow Chemical Company. He obtained approval from FDA in 1985 for purposes such as clinical research studies where participants would be given small doses over several hours instead of consuming larger doses all at once like what street drugs do with other types of drugs like cocaine or marijuana

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How Does XTC Work?

The effects of XTC are similar to those of amphetamines and cocaine, but they last longer. The drug works by increasing the levels of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in your brain.

These three neurotransmitters are also known as pleasure chemicals because they’re responsible for making you feel energized and alert when you’re feeling good about yourself or having fun with friends. They can also cause euphoria a sense of wellbeing, relaxation, confidence and increased focus on tasks at hand.

What Are the Side Effects Of XTC?

As with any drug, there is a chance you may experience side effects when using XTC. Some of these side effects include:

  • A “flashback” – this means that you can feel like the drug is affecting your body once again after it has worn off. This can be very uncomfortable and cause stress in some people.
  • Paranoia – if left untreated or undiagnosed, paranoia could lead to depression which could lead to suicide or self-mutilation.
  • Depression and anxiety – these are two common forms of depression associated with taking drugs such as XTC because they affect moods negatively over time; however, this does not mean everyone who takes them will experience these feelings at the same rate either so do not worry if yours isn’t quite as severe.

Is It Addictive?

XTC is a stimulant drug that can be addictive. It has been classified as a class B drug, which means it has high potential for abuse and dependency. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration states that “XTC is an illegal synthetic hallucinogenic substance” and lists it as Schedule I in their Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

In addition to its legal status in the United States, set is also banned in most other countries where it’s sold or used recreationally including Canada, Australia and New Zealand as well as several European countries such as Germany and Switzerland where it has been banned since 2003.

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Can You Detect XTC Use?

XTC is detectable in the body for a few days. It can be detected in urine and hair, but it’s most easily detected in blood. If you’re worried about the effects of XTC on your health and want to know how long it will stick around, here are some things you should know:

The drug stays active in your system for about four days after taking it. This means that if someone uses XTC on Thursday night and then waits until Monday morning before getting tested and assuming they don’t have any other drugs or alcohol, their results would show up as positive for XTC because they’d have been using since Thursday evening. It also depends on who tests your sample; some labs take longer than others when determining whether someone has used illicit drugs such as cocaine or methamphetamines.

What Happens When You Stop Taking XTC?

Withdrawal symptoms can begin to show up within hours of stopping the drug. The most common side effects are anxiety, depression, insomnia and vivid dreams. These symptoms may persist for weeks or months after you stop taking XTC but they usually subside over time as your body adjusts to no longer having the drug in its system. However, some people may experience more severe withdrawal symptoms such as seizures or hallucinations if they have used XTC for a long time or in high doses more than 300 mg per day.


In conclusion, XTC is not a dangerous drug. It has been used for decades as an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. However, it should not be taken without speaking with your doctor first. The effects of XTC can vary from person to person based on their own unique set of traits and circumstances.

In addition to the potential side effects listed above, there are also some potential risks associated with long-term use that may not be immediately noticeable but may lead down the path towards addiction over time if left untreated

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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